
Synagis shot vent!!!

I am pretty livid about this one. DS was discharged from the hospital on 9/12. I was given a discharge summary which included follow up appt with the eye doctor to make sure his retinas were mature, developmental doctor, and one with the dr for the synagis shot. His last dose was given on 9/7. On the discharge summary, all of the other appts were needed to be scheduled by me, except the synagis one where it said that I don't need to call, someone will call me to make an appointment. So I waited...thinking that once I go in, it will automatically be done and then we would come back for the next dose. WRONG!

The finally called to make an appointment on 10/6 at 9am. We get in there and the dr is just trying to get information from me about DS and his hospital stay. He was due for the shot the next day (10/7). She tells me that she needs to send paperwork to his insurance and that it takes about 1-2 weeks for it to get approved. But....his next shot is due tomorrow! She says that she can't give him the shot until it's approved. So she tells me the necessary precautions I need to take, and we leave. I told the secretary that as soon as the insurance approves it, to please call me so that I can come in. She agrees and sets up an appt for 10/19 (tomorrow) just in case.

Since I haven't heard from them, I decided to call on Monday because DS was wheezing a little bit and i wasn't sure if this needed to be taken care of right away. They let me know that the insurance has yet to approve it, but they will give me a call back tomorrow (today) to see if we need to reschedule the appt. So finally someone calls me today and lets me know that the insurance has yet to approve the synagis shot and that they need to reschedule for 2 weeks from now. This is when i raised my voice. I told her that his dose was already due on the 7th and he has gone 2 weeks without it, and NOW you're going to call me the day before my appt to let me know we have to reschedule in 2 WEEKS?! I said no. There needs to be something that can be done.

She then proceeds to tell me that I can come in at a different office next week. I asked her "what about tomorrow's appt?". She tells me that she is going to go ahead and call the insurance right now and get back to me. A few hrs pass and she finally lets me know that the insurance HAS approved the shot, but it's going to take a few days for them to get the serum so he can't have his shot by tomorrow. So i need to come in next Wednesday.

The reason why i'm upset is because if they knew that it would take so much amount of time, why didn't they call the insurance in advance to find out this information? Now DS is stuck with almost missing his shot for 3 weeks!


At least it's for next Wednesday instead of the following week's Thursday. Things like this get me PO'd.

*end vent*

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Re: Synagis shot vent!!!

  • So frustrating! 
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  • So sorry you had to go through this.  Sad
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  • Thanks for reading! It ended up being longer than I expected!
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  • That is frustrating. The good news is she hasn't gotten sick, and once she gets the next shot she'll be protected for 30 more days. So, now she will actually be "covered" for three extra weeks at the end of the season. (you have ever right to be pissed and frustrated, just trying to show a potential bright side). Hopefully now that your pedi has the approval the rest of the shots will go off smoothly. Good luck!
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  • I also would be frustrated with the process because we want our kids protected, but often insurance will only cover 5 shots.  I agree you will have more protection on the back end of the season which I would argue is more important.  Last year the season went late with circulating virus.  There has been some documented RSV in the Northeast at least but it is at very low levels then what we see when the season ramps up. 
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