
Intro and need assistance

Hi All!

We found out we're having twins a couple weeks ago, complete surprise! It's really starting to sink in now, and we're starting to prepare for the change. We have an almost 2yo DS already, and I was an over preparer with his arrival. And now I'm starting to feel lost, like I have no direction at all on how to do this! I haven't gotten any books on multiples, or found any good websites. I've been lurking on here, but still feel like I need a starting point on how to prepare and plan. I feel like there's so much I don't know even though this isn't my first pregnancy.

Is there a such thing as a multiples book like the "What to Expect when you're expecting"? Or a great book for multiples first year? And is it true, are you really half way at 19 weeks with twins?

Re: Intro and need assistance

  • Welcome and congrats!  "When your expecting twins, triplets and quads" by Dr. Luke is a popular book around here.  This forum has also been invaluable during my pregnancy and then on.  The average twin gestation is 35 weeks, but there are plenty of moms on here who have gone all the way up to 39 weeks.  So, yes you are at least half way throughout your pregnancy now.  Did your Dr. tell you if there was one or two placentas?

  • Thanks for the book suggestion! And definitely two placentas, does that make a difference with timing? I haven't had a lot of face time with my OB yet since finding out about the twins, he missed it at first, so I haven't been able to unload all my questions on him yet.
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  • Congratulations and welcome aboard.
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  • 2 placentas means they're fraternal, that's why my ultrasound tech told me anyways. 

    I also recommend Dr. Luke's book and the one I've been reading lately is Twins! by C. Agnew, A. Klein, and J. Ganon.  



    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • imageaattebury:
    Thanks for the book suggestion! And definitely two placentas, does that make a difference with timing? I haven't had a lot of face time with my OB yet since finding out about the twins, he missed it at first, so I haven't been able to unload all my questions on him yet.

    When you do get to talk to him (or before) I'd talk to him about seeing a MFM as well. If he's not familiar with twins and doesn't have much experience you could be taking some unecessary risks.

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  • Congratulations!  I also found out later in the game!  I agree completely with getting Dr. Luke's book.  All of it was great, but I didnt follow the eating plan she has.  I was halfway with my boys at 17 varies a lot, but most have their twins by 38 weeks.


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
    Baby #3 due January 2016
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  • Congratulations! We didn't find out until our 20-week ultrasound, and I clearly remember the panic. Dr Luke's book was a good start for me, and also making a lot of lists of things to do, learn, buy, etc.
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