
Caught a bug?

Woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. It's either a bug or allergies, and I usually only get allergies in early summer. If it is a bug I am screwed. I am the only one taking care of E and she CANNOT get sick. 

What did y'all do when/ if you caught a cold? Any tips would be helpful.  


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Re: Caught a bug?

  • Hopefully it's just the allergies. Lately I've been waking up feeling not so hot either.

    Definitely wash your hands, keep sanitizer around. Change your clothes if you can, clean, clean, clean. 




  • H got sick (was running a temp of 99).  I kept him away from Gabe as much as possible, he slept in a different room, I cleaned everything.  I still got it.  So far, Gabe seems okay.  Is Em still getting breastmilk?  If so, that will help a lot.  Gabe must be getting antibodies from me.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't get sick.  
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  • I had a mild cold last week and was really careful around Kevin.  Washed my hands and used hand sanitizer all the time (had DH do the same).  Luckily neither of them got sick and we all sleep in the same room.
  • I have a nasty cold right now.  I'm washing my hands like crazy.  And I'm limiting the snuggling time, which sucks but I don't want either of the boys to catch it.  

    Feel better! 

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  • Thanks ladies... Good to know I'm already doing what I can. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be over. And Katie, no Em isn't getting breastmilk anymore. She got it for 4 months and now is on formula. 

    It sucks not being able to snuggle her when she's fussing and won't nap.  


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