Cloth Diapering

Rash help please

We almost exclusively use coverless fitteds at home and I change LO as soon as his diaper feels wet. I got through at least 10 diapers a day. Lately I've noticed that as the day progresses he gets tiny red bumps on his skin that were in contact with the wet diaper. We use sposies at night, so if I put some cream on it the rash is gone by morning. Then sure enough it shows up the next day. I don't think it is the detergent because his bum is fine, and that has the most contact with the diaper itself. Is it the pee that his skin is sensitive to? Has anyone dealt with this? I think I will try fleece liners, just wondering if anyone has dealt with something similar and what your solution was.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Rash help please

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