
I SWORE I would NEVER...and today, I did. LIP 

(Having trouble making this a link...sorry)

When I was preggo I was doing some research on how to tandem feed twins...I came across this photo and almost DIED!!  How HUMILIATING!!  Like having two kids suck on your boobs all day doesn't make you feel cow enough, but to nurse on all fours!?  NEVER!!  

Well, today I was doing bed time by myself and they were both starving and screaming, and well, I tried it.  And it worked GREAT!!!  Ha!  Glad I was home all alone for no one to witness!  I did LOL at myself.

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Re: I SWORE I would NEVER...and today, I did. LIP

  • Ya do what ya have to do.  Never say never!
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  • ::::::Dies::::::  I FF all three.  I can't imagine.  OMG.   I'll say it first, Never.

    ETA:  and if this isn't you, why post the pic on a public message board?  Not sure this is a good thing.

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  • i never did that- i did do some crazy improvising with pillows at points, and i did nurse one at a time on all fours to clear blocked ducts.

    but yes, i have definitely done some things i swore i would never do, like continue to nurse after the boys could ask for it. 

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  • theres one position that I havent heard of til now LOL I guess whatever works but that doesnt look to comfy for mom! If you pick up the book mothering multiples it has some different positions for tandem feeding, Im hoping to give them all a try to see what works best for me and LOs
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  • imageougrad1:

    ETA:  and if this isn't you, why post the pic on a public message board?  Not sure this is a good thing.

    I found it on google images...I don't think it gets more public than that, so I didn't figure it would matter if I posted it here?  Am I out of line?  

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  • I would say that if you found it on google images that means someonw posted it on a dif. public forum first.. out of line would be stealing from your friends personal photos :) I don't personally think it's out of line to post it, but woah shock value! I was not expecting to see that lol.

    I'm going on record saying I still won't try this, but kudos to you for taking one for the team!

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  • If you have been around here for any amount of time, you know that this board is hypersensitive about posting pics that don't belong to you.  

    Also, today I was just thinking about how I haven't seen Nikiniknine (sp?) around lately and as much as I am a fan of her, I would never be able to ID a pic of her kiddos if I saw them on a site outside of TB.

    I can't say that you are out of line but, the two posts together just struck me funny.

    I am very tired...maybe I am being somewhat sensitive....if so, my apologies.... 

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  • Ha!  I did that the other day trying to clear a clogged duct.  Hurt my back too much, though.  I should try it for tandeming on the bed.


    You do what you've got to do :)

  • Thank made my night!  LOL


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
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  • imageougrad1:

    If you have been around here for any amount of time, you know that this board is hypersensitive about posting pics that don't belong to you.  

    Also, today I was just thinking about how I haven't seen Nikiniknine (sp?) around lately and as much as I am a fan of her, I would never be able to ID a pic of her kiddos if I saw them on a site outside of TB.

    I can't say that you are out of line but, the two posts together just struck me funny.

    I am very tired...maybe I am being somewhat sensitive....if so, my apologies.... 

    I have been around here for about a year, so yes, I do know that people are sensitive about pics, which is kind of why I pointed it out to Niki~didn't know if she would want her kiddos on google images...

    I happily changed the image to the link on where the image was posted, because, you're right, not me, not my pic, not my place to post it!  Thanks for pointing that out! 

    Does it make me creepy that I would recognize a lot of people's siggy pics from here?  Yikes.

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  • My boys are almost 13 months and we have done this a time or two.  First time was to help a clogge duct, the other few times from two little wigglers, and one tired out back for momma.  Not a very comfortable feeding position If you ask me. lol.
    God gave me a double portion for my inheritance with my little Mighty men :) 9/19/10 Baby A born at 1:47 am 6lbs 14oz, 20.5inches long. Baby B born at 3:20 am 6lbs 6oz, 19.5inches long. My double blessing!:)
  • No, no, no Devin....You're fine.  I'm sorry for giving you a hard time....

    It's a good thing that you did the search and are able to tell her that her pics are there.  : )

    Have a good night.   

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  • Hey, whatever works right?  No. Never done that though.  Like PP said, I already feel like a cow enough already with both boobs being sucked on at once. :-)  Aside from the obvious, has anyone else noticed that these are over 2 year olds that she's nursing like that?  I don't know about anyone else, but my kids talk at 2.  I've loved nursing all my kids, but when they're old enough to ASK to's time to put the boobage away (IMO :-)
  • imagedevinjonesrn:

    If you have been around here for any amount of time, you know that this board is hypersensitive about posting pics that don't belong to you.  

    Also, today I was just thinking about how I haven't seen Nikiniknine (sp?) around lately and as much as I am a fan of her, I would never be able to ID a pic of her kiddos if I saw them on a site outside of TB.

    I can't say that you are out of line but, the two posts together just struck me funny.

    I am very tired...maybe I am being somewhat sensitive....if so, my apologies.... 

    I have been around here for about a year, so yes, I do know that people are sensitive about pics, which is kind of why I pointed it out to Niki~didn't know if she would want her kiddos on google images...

    I happily changed the image to the link on where the image was posted, because, you're right, not me, not my pic, not my place to post it!  Thanks for pointing that out! 

    Does it make me creepy that I would recognize a lot of people's siggy pics from here?  Yikes.

    I don't think it makes you creepy.  I haven't seen the post (I assume) you all are referring to but you are probably someone like me, I am not always good with names but I always remember faces so I definitely think I would recognize some posters babies if they were on another website.

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  • I could definitely see doing this in desperation... I am not able to tandem them myself yet, so if they were both screaming and hungry, hey... why not?
  • LOL. Wow. Thanks for posting your MoM moment.

    Hey, it may be the only online time she gets. You cant really tandem & bump in other nursing positions. lol. 

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  • I don't see what the big deal it really. I wish I could have done something like this.
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