
I miss being pregnant =(

I really really do.  I had a hard time getting pregnant and some difficulties during.  I had just gotten used to and started enjoying being pregnant and then it was snatched away almost 2 months early.  On top of that I feel guilty like something I did something wrong to make my water break early.  I had just started wearing maternity clothes all the time, getting the nursery together, and planning baby showers.  I'm so lucky that our baby is here and healthy but at the same time I really wish she was still inside.  I feel like crap that I am so sad when I should be feeling lucky for what we have.  I'll be so glad when these baby blues are gone!
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Re: I miss being pregnant =(

  • I understand wanting your baby to still be inside and "safe."  I had a lot of guilt when my DD was born at 31wks.  It will get better.  After a while it is just a memory but I know right now it is your whole world.  Just be assured that you did nothing wrong.  There is no way you could have made your water break early.  If so, women would do it in mass numbers at 38wks, 39wks, 40wks... you get what I am saying.  Good luck with your little one!
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  • It's normal to have those feelings - allow yourself to feel them and work through it. We all seem to have them and they don't necessarily go away quickly. It might be good to look into therapy if you can. Having a premature baby can be very traumatic.

    I loved being pg, too! I had a terrible first tri and then second I was full of joy! When I wear DS in a wrap it gives me an excuse to rub his back/bum and get that bump-patting-soothing feeling...if that makes sense ;)

    Please post as often as you need to <3

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  • I still miss being pregnant.  That was one of the hardest emotions that I had to deal with.  I never felt guilt, but I felt like I got shortchanged out of the pregnancy and labor experience.  All very common, but still stinks to have those feelings.  I still have them now, almost 9 months later.  They've gotten better, though, and I'm sure yours will, too.
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  • imagecottonlily84:
    I really really do.  I had a hard time getting pregnant and some difficulties during.  I had just gotten used to and started enjoying being pregnant and then it was snatched away almost 2 months early.  On top of that I feel guilty like something I did something wrong to make my water break early.  I had just started wearing maternity clothes all the time, getting the nursery together, and planning baby showers.  I'm so lucky that our baby is here and healthy but at the same time I really wish she was still inside.  I feel like crap that I am so sad when I should be feeling lucky for what we have.  I'll be so glad when these baby blues are gone!

    Just wanted to say that I feel the exact same way.  

    TTC #1 June 2010
    1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
    1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
    Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
    Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
    4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
    4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
    TTC #4
    5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
    5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
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  • I saw a pregnant woman today and had the same missing being pregnant feeling....then I remembered being pregnant, then the c-section and quickly changed my mind. I wasn't a fan, which could have had a lot to do with having triplets, but I hated not feeling good and the back pain; plus the whole birthing process. Oleae, don't blame yourself for having your LO early it was NOT your fault.
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  • I know exactly how you feel.  Kept thinking, "Yes. . . YES. . . .I agree!" when reading your post.  I'm still going through those feelings as I had them about 5 weeks ago.  I am holding onto hope that it will be easier when they get to come home. :)
    My Story and Blog:
    The Conception Craze

    1/2009- TTTC
    After 7 rounds of clomid and HcG, Three failed IUI's with an ectopic pregnancy, two shots of methotrextate, ER visits, breaks, low (3%) morphology One IVF cycle (lupron, gonal-F) that ended in another ectopic, more methotrexate, A Lap to disconnect both tubes, remove endo and a hydrosalphinx, . . .we are finally expecting TWINS from FET#1!
    1.11. 2011: Beginning FET cycle!
    3.11.11- FET! (DH's birthday!) 2 blasts transfered!
    3.20.11- BETA #1 BFP!!! 272! (9dp5dt)
    3.23.11- BETA #2 1346!!! (12dp5dt)
    4.8.11- U/S #1. . TWINS!!! . . .TWO BOYS!
    9.10.11-My beautiful Boys arrive unexpectedly at 28 weeks, 6 days. imageimage
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  • I think we all might have felt this way at some point.  I really struggled with this.  Enough to speak to someone about it.  I was only 22w when she came.  I had to return most of my maternity clothes because it still had tags.  We had no nursery and we didnt even have a name picked out for her.  I still have some issues about it but all that went to the back of my mind when she came home.  I hope you start to feel better about it soon.  Once your beautiful baby is home with you I'm sure you will feel less "loss" about your pregnancy ended early.  GL and chin up dear
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  • Logan will be 4 months soon and I still miss being pregnant.  I get this emotional feeling at least once a day.  I had such an amazing pregnancy and really enjoyed it.  I was never sick and just dealt with being tired easily and often but other than that it was a breeze.  It all changed in a split second.  I went from everything being normal and healthy to my body basically rejecting pregnancy.  I felt cheated, still do.  I get envious of people around me that get to be pregnant for 9 months.  Dont get me wrong, I am thrilled for them and so happy they are healthy, it more so feeling envious that I didnt get that far. 

    Logan was born at 31 weeks and 5 days, I would have given anything (even to this day) to have kept him in longer.  I look at my little boy now and he is strong and healthy but knowing it could have been so much worse upsets me.  Its also coming close to the time we found out we were pregnant so I have been getting emotional about that too.  I cant believe its been a year. 

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  • I totally feel the same way.  Although I know we are blessed to have our children 'safe' in the NICU, I know they would be much safer in my belly.  I feel guilty because along with that, I feel like I didn't really get to enjoy my pregnancy.  I miss my belly.  I imagine I will feel this way for quite some time. 
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  • At least I'm not alone.  I can't really talk to anyone at home; they all just keep telling me how lucky I am for her to be healthy and how happy I should be she's home.  I wish I was as happy as they think I am.  And DH has noticed me crying now and keeps bugging me about what's wrong.  But he doesn't get it.  He's as happy go lucky as can be and can't understand why I'm sad. 
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  • imageSushiNoMore:
    I still miss being pregnant.  That was one of the hardest emotions that I had to deal with.  I never felt guilt, but I felt like I got shortchanged out of the pregnancy and labor experience.  

     This is exactly the way I felt too. I felt like I was shortchanged. It made me almost mad and envious to see people in their third trimester and also people who were able to have a vaginal birth. DD was breech, so I had to have a classical c-section. So, if I ever get pregnant again, I can NEVER have a vaginal birth or even go into labor for that matter. :( It makes me sad that it was taken away from me. But I have to remind myself what a little miracle I have and to be thankful for that. Things could always be a lot worse. It's completely normal to feel that though. I still feel it. I think, to a certain extent, I always will. This is why I think it's so awesome that boards like these exist. It's hard enough to work out all the emotions that comes with having a preemie- it's nice to have people you can talk to who can relate. It will get easier though- especially after your LO is home and doing well. :)

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