1st Trimester

Cleaning Chicken Coop??

We have a small backyard chicken coop (5 chicks and 2 ducks) its approx 4X4X8 in size. Its my job (because I BEGGED my husband for these chickens last year) to clean the coop out, which I do while standing outside of the coop, and shoveling out the old bedding & poop into a wheelbarrel and then spreading new bedding around. Do you think its safe for me to continue doing this? We'll ask our doctor at our first appt on Nov 3rd too.
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Re: Cleaning Chicken Coop??

  • I do believe it's safe.  I have continued to do all my normal activities, which include milking cows, feeding calves, walking around in poo, cleaning poo, etc. 

    ME: 31 PCOS - DH: 32 Perfect. 
    TTC #1 started 8.2010. 
    BFP #1 3.2.11Blighted ovum, missed m/c, 4.3.11-6.22.11 Provera

    BFP #2 Aug 2011 Clomid 50mg+Met missed m/c found 9w5d | cytotec 10.26.11 
    BFP #3 - CD36 - Jan. 2012 - 100mg Clomid + 2000met-  Baby Boy born 10.06.12 with 1 in a billion CHD. Perfect otherwise. 

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    Open Heart Surgery @ 5 months old.Happy, healthy, and as normal as could be!  We thank God every day.EP/BF for 12.5 months

    TTC#2 - November 2012

    BFP #4:  O'd on CD25 (Aug. 2014).  DD May 6, 2015. RCS planned.
    Beta@14dpo: 184, 17dpo: 520.  44 hr. doubling time.  p4: 54U/S 8 weeks 1 day, 161 bpm
  • imageLexiSophie55:

    I do believe it's safe.  I have continued to do all my normal activities, which include milking cows, feeding calves, walking around in poo, cleaning poo, etc. 

      This, and I do chicken chores too.  I don't think it's harmful, just don't change the litter box if you have a cat in the house.
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  • I get poop on me eveyrtime i milk cows. if you were doing it before i don't see any reason not to do it now. i'n sure you're immune to anything by now. 
  • I think kitty poop is the only poop you're supposed to avoid.  I cleaned the bunny cages this weekend!  P.S.  My DH is dying for chickens!
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  • If it were me, I wouldn't, or at the very least I would call the office and ask about it before I did.

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    ~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
    ~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
    ~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
    ~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
  • I wouldn't bat an eye. I grew up on an enormous chicken farm (think 100,000+ birds on one farm), where my mother worked in the barns every day while she was pregnant with both my sister and I. We are both normal. The only concern I would have is if they are not properly vaccinated. I have horses, and show dairy cattle, and while I won't be rolling around in it, don't plan on avoiding manure any more than I usually do. 
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  • I only have 50 birds but I was not going to stop taking care of them.  I will be a little more carefull with the cows (avoid kicks) and stop with the weed spraying and the kitty box
    Me DOR amh .64 ng/mL  
    DH Brain Cancer
    BFP #1 12/11/08 DS born 8/23/09
    BFP#2 10/13/11 DC 11/4/11
    BFP#3 12/6/13 Lost 12/29/13
    Told IVF is the only option and have not found a clinic that will take me.

  • I would. I've cleaned horse poop every day of this and last pg. You gotta do what you gotta do!
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