
WWYD? Allergies??

So today gavin after lunch ( we eat table food and started milk last week) I went to put him down for a nap and notcied his face was all red on his cheeks, ear...kinda looked like he was having a reaction to something. I called the pedi and we went in by the time we got there 10 mintues later his lips were swollen a little..not a lot just a little. Well they gave him some benadryl and sent us home saying he will have to see an allergist. Okay... He throws up ten mintues later when we got home. Everything. So i gave him a started looking better. two hours later it started back up. The pedi ( i dont like them) i called and told me not to give him anything more till eight... but it is around his mouth. So i think i will stop the milk. But he hasnt had milk at all today or yesterday evening. I guess i just dont know what to do....his lips arent swollen this time. He actually fell asleep from all the excitment i think. The pedi was no help. we are moving in a few weeks so by the time the insurance referall goes through we will be it will be awhile till he can get seen...

Re: WWYD? Allergies??

  • The milk sounds suspect.  I would stop all milk until you can see an allergist.  If he is allergic, not eating it is pretty much the only treatment anyhow.
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