This is going to sound so weird and potentially a bit gross, so I'm sorry in advance.
There are numerous times that when DS eats, he vomits. I'm not sure if he's just eating too fast, or eats too much, or if he's allergic to something, but there are quite a few restaurants we can't go back to for a while (our of embarrassment) b/c DS has thrown up all over the place. He does this at home too on occassion. It's now moved to the bathroom....every time he goes #2 he said he feels like he has to throw up, and sometimes he does. Some times he says it and tries to make himself throw up.
I am so confused if this is something that happened once, now he just has it in his head and convinces himself he has to throw up. I am taking him to an allergist next month to do a full battery of tests, b/c I thought maybe he's allergic to something he's eating. He has never been very regular, and usually only goes #2 once every 3-4 days, so I don't know if he's holding it, and that's making him sick. I have no idea what's going on and I'm so frustrated.
Re: I need some advice about DS- help if you can.
How is he otherwise? Energy level, etc? And, to be even more gross, are his poo's normal or are they weird too?
DS started throwing up and having bad poo's. But he also became really lethargic too. Long story short- we found out he has celiac disease.
But I don't think the throwing up alone would lead me to think that.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I didn't read this before I posted, but yeah, this was my nephew exactly. The picky eating was one big thing, and looking back, my SIL said it made total sense. There were certain things he wouldn't eat that they thought was crazy...all kids like spaghetti, or whatever. But really, he knew deep down what things would make him sick, so he wouldn't eat it. But he was still young enough that he didn't know how to explain it any other way than that he thought he had to throw up. For a long time, they thought it was an anxiety issue because it seemed it would happen in public place, the big one being restuarants...really, the food at restuarants made the acid reflux worse.
This all makes sense. I have really bad acid reflux problems, and now I remember a time that DS came in at night screaming that his throat was burning. We gave him tylenol thinking that he had a sore throat, but now that I think about it, it could be acid coming up and burning his throat.
He was a big puker as a baby, and had been prescibed an antacid at one point. Hmmm.....I'll check this out! I was starting to worry it was a psychological issue!
Matthew James 1/11/07