Baby Names

Boy with club feet...want to be mindful of name

I found out this week I was having a little boy.  We started making a long list of names and then we got the call two days later that the u/s was abnormal.  My baby boy will be born with bilateral club feet.  I've researched a ton and it is very treatable and he will most likely eventually have normal looking feet and legs, but I want to be extra careful and sensitive about his name just in case there are some long term differences. 


My husband would like an Irish name and I would like a name that means something positive.  Our Last name is Murphy.  


Our long list


Finley - fair hero

Keegan - thinker


Quinn - intelligent



Connor - strong willed


Jaden - what's the best spelling for this name?




I'm open to suggestions and i really appreciate everyone's help and opinions :-) 

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Keegan Patrick - Bilateral Clubfeet found at Anatomy Scan. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Boy with club feet...want to be mindful of name

  • DH loves the name Julian and it's really starting to grow on me, but I like it better as a MN. I really like Connor, Spencer and Eli!! The rest aren't really my style.
  • I am happy to hear you are keeping your head up, I hope everything goes well with himSmile

    I love Keegan

    I like Eli, Quinn, Connor

    Not a fan of Finley, Flynn, Donavan

    The others are okay..not bad

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  • I love the meaning of Connor, what a great message to give your son about himself!
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  • I like Julian, Connor, Eli and Gavin
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  • Julian- ehh

    Finley- I know girls with this name, so that nixes it for boys (IMHO)

     Keegan- every single Keegan I've ever known (about 3) has been very effeminate...

    Flynn- ehh, nms

     Quinn- same as Finley

    Donavan- I have only seen it spelled Donovan. It is okay, but only when spelled Donovan

    Liam- I like it, but prefer it as a nn to William

    Connor- like

    Eli- only as a nn to Elijah

    Jaden- hate

    Spencer- like

    Gavin- like

    What about.... Sean, Carson, Ryan, Declan, or Rhys?



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  • Of your list I love Spencer the most. I like Finley (close second), Connor, Donovan (this spelling), Liam, Gavin and Julian. 

    Keegan, Flynn Quinn and Eli are fine, just NMS.


    Jaden is sooo overdone now, unless that doesn't bother you, I would steer clear.


     Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!  

  • Love: Julian, Donavan (spelled Donovan), Eli

    Like: Connor, Gavin, Liam, Keegan

    Jaden- I hate all of the aiden type names.  They are too common and will sound dated.

    Spencer is NMS.  I think because I have the association with Spencer from The Hills, but I doubt anyone will remember him after a few years.

    Finley is okay.

    Quinn is a girl's name to me.

    I hate Flynn.


    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Ooo, Declan. I like how Declan Murphy sounds.
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  • It sounds like you are taking the news very well. I hope everything turns out to be alright with your little boy. 

    Out of your list I like:

    Keegan, Finley, Liam, Eli  

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  • The names I love are Finley, Keegan, Flynn, Quinn and Eli. The rest are I like, but not as much. My DH is Irish and his name is Sean Patrick, our DS's name we went very old Irish, its Faolan (Fway-lan) it means wolf. His MN is Riley. HTH, and GL!!!

    PS I love that you are so positive about the whole situation! T&P for you and your LO!! 

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  • Overall I really like all your choices, except Jaden and Keegan. My top favorites are Julian, Donovan (spelled this way), Connor, and Gavin. Though Connor is becoming really popular in my area.

    One of my past co-workers named her son Cormac and I really like it for an Irish boy name.

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  • Donovan is my favorite on your list.  I also like Spencer.  Big no to Jaden and Finley.

    Other suggestions: Felix (happy), Miles (merciful, generous), Ian (the Lord is gracious), and Alden (wise friend).

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  •  Love Liam and Eli!

    Also just wanted to give you a little encouragement - I know a little girl who was born with club feet. She wore special shoes and a brace for several months and the treatment has been really successful. It might take a bit longer, but in time they expect she'll be walking and running with no problems :) GL with your little guy!

    Mama to two sweet girls
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  • I am probably the idiot here, but what does club feet have to do with these names??  FWIW, I like your list, I am just not getting the connection...
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  • I love Julian and Donovan!
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  • I'm not sure how Irish you'd like to go, the names you've picked seem common, whereas one of our favorites wasn't: Eamon. There's a little mark over the e that I don't know how to put on here, but it's pronounced Ay-muhn, and means protector if I remember correctly. It's definitely one of my favorites. 
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  • Thank you everyone for your feedback and suggestions! My husband is Sean Patrick, so Sean is a no for the baby, but I like Patrick for a middle name. The reason I brought up the club feet is so if anyone could think of obvious teasing points if his feet/legs look different, also if someone thought of a name with a positive meaning because he will have additional challenges that an average newborn and child wouldn't have to go through. The news has made me think that his name could be something a little more than "i like the way that sounds"
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Keegan Patrick - Bilateral Clubfeet found at Anatomy Scan. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I like all of them with the exception of Julian, Finley and Jaden.  I think they are too feminine.  
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  • A close friend's son was born with a club foot, and by the time he was a year, no one would have been able to tell which one had been the club. Good luck! As for your names, I like:

    Julian, Quinn, Liam, Connor and Eli (my DS)


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I like Keegan.Also,what about Elias with Eli as a nickname?

    My only other suggestion is Gideon ("mighty warrior").

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  • Well Donovan was out top contender for last two DD's  and Spencer is DS MN so obviously I am a fan of those!  Love Gavin, Connor and Finley as well.  Never really loved Quinn or Julian for a boy  and Jaden just doesn't seem to fit with the rest- I see it as really trendy.   Good luck- I don't think you can go wrong with most of these but my pick would be Donovan Spencer Yes
  • imageJessimurph:

    Our long list

    Julian love it. i wanted to use it myself, but hubby shot it down.

    Finley - fair hero no. girly.

    Keegan - thinker again, girly.

    Flynn okay.

    Quinn - intelligent sorry, girly.

    Donavan no way.

    Liam yes.

    Connor - strong willed too popular. at least you have the normal spelling, though.

     Eli no. too short. (i do like Elias, as someone else suggested)

    Jaden - what's the best spelling for this name? the best spelling is never using that name.

    Spencer no.

    Gavin no.

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  • Connor Patrick Murphy would be a great name. I like the meaning behind Connor and I also like honoring Dad with the middle name Patrick.

    Not that this matters, but if I heard that name on a guy today, I was assume he was hot. Maybe it's just the Irish hotness of Tristan McManus on Dancing With the Stars that has me all a-fluster. 

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  • Both my husband & my son were born with severe atypical bi-lateral clubfeet -- and they both have strong Irish names: Conor and Declan. 

    From someone who has been through it, I know how hard it is to wrap your head around it now, but your son will lead a totally normal life despite being born with clubfeet.  My husband married pretty well despite it :-)  Our son is now 5.5 years old and it's never slowed him down - he was walking at 11 months and by 13 months old he could walk in his boots & bars (which he wore at night until age 5).  He's usually the fastest kid on the playground and now he plays baseball, rugby and swimming.  None of his friends in kindergarten can tell he was born with clubfeet so there's really no worry about teasing because of it.  

    If you haven't already discovered the Ponseti method you really should consider it.  Just be careful because there are many, many docotors out there who say they are doing Ponseti, but they are not.  If you want a reference for a Ponseti doctor near you I highly suggest you call Dr. John Herzenberg in Baltimore (410-601-9562) & ask if he can suggest someone.  Dr. H is the leading clubfoot doc on the East Coast and we were lucky enough to have him treat my son. 

    Good luck!


  • i love all of your names. i think i like quinn and keegan the best.


    have you considered ryan at all? it means 'little prince'. it's my son's name.

    best wishes w. your little boy! 

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