Cloth Diapering

Washing help!!

I need help.  I have been using cloth (mostly prefolds) for 2 weeks now and everytime I wash (every other day) my diapers get more and more yellow.  My current routine is a cold quick wash with no detergent, hot wash/cold rinse with country save and then another cold rinse in a FL washer.  I am EBF so I am not rinsing the poop diapers before the wash.  I have sunned them the last couple of washes but that won't be an option for me for much longer.  Is there anything I can do or am I just destined to have yellow diapers? Thanks!

Married - 5/2008
DS #1 - Born 9/2011
DS #2 - EDD 3/2014

Re: Washing help!!

  • Can you still sun them in a window?

    You may also want to try vinegar in the wash.


  • I just switched to a FL after doing mostly TL washing machines. I had to kinda morph my washing routine. I do a warm rinse/spin/rinse cycle on my machine, hot wash w/ warm rinse and I use Rockin' Green, then a cold rinse/spin/rinse cycle. Maybe try that to break up the EBF poo a little better. It's helped my stain and build up issues.
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