May 2011 Moms


DS hits most milestones on time or early.  He has fantastic hand-eye coordination and he babbles endlessly. 

However, he only rolls to his sides from his back, and when holding him, he refuses to support his weight with his legs.  He loves his jumperoo, so I particularly don't understand this.

He doesn't see the pedi for another month, but I'm wondering if this is something I should call the pedi about now?

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Re: Milestones?

  • I'm not sure about the legs supporting issue, but I will say my DD has hit her milestones early and is super strong, and still just learned to roll around a week ago (she only did it like 3 times ever before that). She went from not rolling to rolling non stop in the matter of 2 days.
  • I'd say if he supports himself with the jumperoo it's just something I'd watch for but if you get concerned call your pedi.
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