
Sex after C-Section

OK so i know your SUPPOSED to wait 6 weeks after a c/s OR a vag birth. but come on. I know ALL u ladies didnt actually wait that long. I want an honest answer. How long did u wait? I had laproscopy (an incision into my fallopian tubes thru my belly button and one incision on my pubic bone for the camera i guess) to fix hemoraging from a ruptured ovarian cyst and they told me to wait until my stitches healed to have sex, but i was so horny from the percosets they gave me for the pain that I couldnt wait. IT WAS AWESOME! even tho my belly was still sore, it didnt hurt my vagina at all. My DH is really gentle with me tho, always has been, we are lame and do it low n slow...lol.....Even after i stopped taking the percs and my belly was still sore, it didnt hurt to DTD. I am hoping that it will be like that after I have my c/s. What do yall think??? 

Re: Sex after C-Section

  • Besides the fact that you could hurt yourself there is a risk of infection. I think you should take your doctors advice. Let your body heal.
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  • Without going into too much detail, I will say that I only waited four weeks, and that was the worst decision - EVER!

    It was ok at the time, but I definitely paid the price after.  (Note: I paid the price for ~ six months after!)  It was horrible!

    If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be: just wait!

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  • I had my surgery 2 weeks ago and horny or not can't imagine actually having sex right now.  First of all I'm still bleeding.  And it's not even normal period blood; it's the weird post delivery discharge.  And I'm sore.  My incision hurts still and I'm bruised feeling on the inside.  I kinda want sex already but no way I'd do it because I can tell it would be a bad decision!
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  • We were approved for 8 weeks, and waited until 10 because I just was not ready yet.  Everything down there still wasn't even close to where it belonged.

    The reasons they make us wait until 6 weeks is has nothing to do with pain and everything to do with the massive wound inside your uterus from where the placenta detached trying to heal and preventing it from becoming infected.  To introduce "foreign objects" is just plain stupid.

    I'd recommend that you stick to your Dr.'s suggestion and wait it out however long he/she thinks is best for your health and safety.  They don't do it to make us horny little bees, they do it to protect us.

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  • we waited the 6 weeks and got the thumbs up from my ob but it was too much, so we waited another week and have DTD 3 times since (I'm 8 weeks pp)and it's still tough. I agree with previous posts, listen to your ob. there's a reason they tell us to wait.
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  • You sound ridiculous honestly. 1) A c/s is nothing like laparoscopic surgery. Not at all. I've had both and the recoveries are completely different. 2.) They give you a time to wait because of medical reasons. The placenta leaves a wound where it detaches from the uterus. You have to wait so you do not risk infection. 

    I waited 12 weeks and didn't feel comfortable until then. Hopefully sleep deprivation will maybe minimize some of your raging horniness and you can manage to get by. 

    photo newsig2_zps17ef14af.jpg
  • I think you are a Troll....that's what I think.
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  • Well, since I'm not a wild animal who can't control her urges (and DH isn't either), we waited until we were cleared at 6 weeks. 

    Big A 06-07-08 Little A 11-11-11
  • Um, yes, I did wait. Actually, we waited over 7 weeks. The last thing I felt like doing was having sex.


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  • imagekcvasquez:
    I think you are a Troll....that's what I think.

    Agreed! Gems like this point to it: 

    "I am having an elective c-section because i never wanted to give birth vaginally and because I have a high risk of my baby being breech and my narrow hips make me highly likely to have a problem with dystocia. Also, I really hate the idea of tearing or having stitches on my bunny....i would much much rather have them on my belly. i had laproscopy at the very onset of my pregnancy because my husband got to frisky and ruptured an ovarian cyst and i was hemoraging and i healed very nicely and was not in pain within a day after surgery."


    I do wonder, why the eff would someone troll a c-section board????

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  • Just because nothing was pushed out of your vag doesn't mean it's okay to have sex right away. You need to let your uterus heal.

    My dr cleared us for sex with a condom at 2 weeks. I didn't hear this, though, and wasn't ready anyways. We DTD around 5 weeks and took things real slow. It was fine. We've been enjoying our alone time (well, what little there is) ever since with no problems at all. 

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  • imagenosoup4u:

    I think you are a Troll....that's what I think.

    Agreed! Gems like this point to it: 

    "I am having an elective c-section because i never wanted to give birth vaginally and because I have a high risk of my baby being breech and my narrow hips make me highly likely to have a problem with dystocia. Also, I really hate the idea of tearing or having stitches on my bunny....i would much much rather have them on my belly. i had laproscopy at the very onset of my pregnancy because my husband got to frisky and ruptured an ovarian cyst and i was hemoraging and i healed very nicely and was not in pain within a day after surgery."


    I do wonder, why the eff would someone troll a c-section board????

    Freaks with no lives, that's who! This person probably doesn't even have a kid, or a vagina. Sad life they live to have to troll around The Bump! 

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  • imagenosoup4u:

    I think you are a Troll....that's what I think.

    Agreed! Gems like this point to it: 

    "I am having an elective c-section because i never wanted to give birth vaginally and because I have a high risk of my baby being breech and my narrow hips make me highly likely to have a problem with dystocia. Also, I really hate the idea of tearing or having stitches on my bunny....i would much much rather have them on my belly. i had laproscopy at the very onset of my pregnancy because my husband got to frisky and ruptured an ovarian cyst and i was hemoraging and i healed very nicely and was not in pain within a day after surgery."


    I do wonder, why the eff would someone troll a c-section board????

    Stitches on your "bunny"!?! Give me an effing break. What an idiot.
    photo newsig2_zps17ef14af.jpg
  • We waited the six weeks until we had my OB's ok. My advice? Suck it up and deal if you don't want to risk a pretty serious infection. There's plenty of other ways to be intimate in the meantime... in all that copious spare-time you're going to have with a newborn.
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  • imagecottonlily84:
    I had my surgery 2 weeks ago and horny or not can't imagine actually having sex right now.  First of all I'm still bleeding.  And it's not even normal period blood; it's the weird post delivery discharge.  And I'm sore.  My incision hurts still and I'm bruised feeling on the inside.  I kinda want sex already but no way I'd do it because I can tell it would be a bad decision!


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  • For my first we waited almost 8weeks. For my second It was around 10weeks. I had a lot of pain and complications with my first. My second was different cuse my husband wasnt around when I really wanted to get it on.  lol

    I have to add that I have heard from some friends that have had vag births that they have felt a little stretched out and sex isnt the same, but I have never had that problem but I also never got to the pushing stage with my first and my second was a scheduled C.

  • Hmm

    In case you're not a troll...

    1) A c/s is a major abdominal surgery. A laproscopic surgery is a teeny little incision and they do their business with teeny little instruments. A c/s means a 4-6 inch scalpel cut across your belly...they cut your skin, your muscles, into your uterus. They are NOTHING alike. And why do you think Percocet made you horny?

    2) We were cleared for sex at 6w. We tried a few days later and it hurt like a biitch. It hurt like a biitch for FIVE months. I breastfeed, which made it worse, but things are still all effed up in the lady garden after a c/s. Not to mention, you will have a large open wound in your uterus from the placenta detaching, and if you have sex, you risk an infection that could mean a ruined uterus. Go ahead, risk it.


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