Hi everyone,
I am 15 DPO and BFN. My cycles are very regular, I always have my lh surge on day 13 and AF 14 days after ovulation.
Did anyone have a delay in menses after using clomid w/estradoil, hcg trigger, crinone/prometrium? I had two follies before my trigger shot.
BFN at this point is BFN, right?!
Re: Could the meds delay AF?
I was told that both clomid and the hcg trigger could extend my luteal phase. Didn't happen, but yes, prometrium definitely did. Some women, apparently, don't get AF until after they stop prometrium.
What were your doctor's instructions? i was told to take a test or get a blood test at 15 dpo and if it was negative, to stop the prometrium.
Prometrium can definitely delay AF. My RE told me the same thing - if I tested and got a BFN to stop taking the Prometrium so that AF would start.