So I'm a little behind, a few weeks ago all people could post about was the swaddling/stop swaddling. I was not ready to stop swaddling until last night when he leaked from his CD (yes, still having that issue!) and I had to change his pj's and the swaddle was wet, I didn't have any other clean so I put him in bed (his pnp) with no swaddle and awake *gasp* it was almost 5 am and he didn't seem like he was ready to fall asleep I woke up at 7:30 when he woke up and I realized he obviously feel asleep and slept for at least 2 hours without it.
He's been in bed for 2.5 hours now without a swaddle and once again I placed him on his pnp awake, I walked away and listen through the monitor, it took him 5 minutes to fall asleep!
I think I was swaddling and rocking until passed out thinking he wouldn't be ready to transition yet. I think it's mommy who's not ready
Re: Look ma no swaddle!
Only 5 minutes?! That's awesome!
Well that was easy!
That's similar to the way we broke the swaddle (at 2 months). One night he fell asleep before I got a chance to put it on him and he slept great that night, so I just stopped using it. I thought it was going to be more of a struggle.
Baby #2 on the way!