Seriously. Really, I don't feel neglectful in the least. I suck at times, but I guarantee that you all suck at times, too, no matter how hard you try to be perfect.
I'm ready to just run screaming from this place.
And yet I can't.
And this isn't a post trying to get everyone to say "nooooooo, stay!!!!!!!!"
Re: The nest makes me feel like an unfit, incapable parent
BTW, I feel like I'm typically a good parent. I'm not sure if that's clear, but the craziness of everyone else isn't making me feel like I'm not good enough.
Baby, you know I love you for just who you are.
Have a whiskey with me.
...and I strongly feel that people who tout their amazing parenting skillz are all talk. Like how guys talk about how they are in bed- if you have to brag or talk about it you're probably no good.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Oh, I knew I loved you but this post just took us to a whole new level.
Can you handle whiskey? Come sit by me lovah.
I want to punch most nesties right in the vagina.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Gee, thanks.
I never lie on here. No point, because it's too much fvcking work to remember what story you tell to whom.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
No one, it's the people acting like *** martyrs. Seriously, the place annoys thelivingshit out of me but I can't turn away.
I don't think people are necessarily lying liers...I just think a lot of them tend to post/reply what they think is the right and Nest acceptable answer instead of what is real.
If all of those things were all would *** your pants at how I parent-and I generally think I'm a pretty decent Mom.
Honestly everything makes me feel this way from the quick glimpses I get of the other kids/parents at preschool to the kids I see on Disney World commercials to struggling over which I am feeling more guilty about the gigantic pile of stinky laundry waiting to be washed or the fact that the kids have been planted in front of the tv all morning.
I think being a parent and guilt just go hand in hand. That being said. I have to remind myself that we are all kids love me and I love them...the rest are just details! (I say this as I am waiting for DH to bring home a 6 pack and pizza so we can relax after putting the kids to bed ridiculously early! I feel your pain but I am sure you are an awesome mommy!
Kap- I know what kind of Mum you are and I think you are fantastic.
Us normal folk, lose our *** every once in a while and then more on and forward. I'm not perfect nor have I ever claimed to be. I just me, learning how to be a Mommy one day at a time an a focking human being.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Are you referring to a certain post?
In any event, the Nest/Bump is a world all of it's own. It's an online parenting utopia.
I feel like a perfectly capable, good mom. I think everyone else is crazy, honestly.
That's a girl
Mum to Owen and Lucas
See, I choose to think of myself as a good mother even though I don't do 75% of what people on here claim to do. I just keep my mouth shut and read. People here would be mortified by my "lax" parenting method. Yet real people think I go over board.
Eh... if what I read here ever makes me question myself, I plan to go out in a blaze of glory.
It's silly to me to worry about what others do and think... I didn't care when the debate was BF vs. FF (and I FF even though people here were screaming BREAST IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I don't care now when the debate is about healthy snacks and contacting the teacher (or not). I feel confident that my children are well loved, happy, healthy and a whole host of other positive things.
Something I always think when I read posts here (even when referencing RL and judgment) is "why do you care?" or "why do you let that get to you?" Be confident that you are the best mom for your kids, b/c the reality is, unless we have some abusive crack addicts around here, you are.
Absolutely, whole-heartedly agree.
We're all going to screw up our kids in one way or another. What makes us good moms is that we care enough to try to minimize the damage.
I'm shooting for giving my kids a good enough childhood that I don't end up in a Happy Gilmore-style nursing home.
well said eclaires. I come here for some entertainment and to see how my internet stranger moms and kids are doing. I do lol over some fun posts and am genuinely but oddly (because I am not that overly concerned about other people's kids in real life) happy when I see our kids growing and "us" figuring out what that encompasses and sharing it on here.
I don't think I rate myself over the other parenting styles here. Quite frankly, I'd probably suck if I did. But no one else has high functioning ASD Matt and his attitudinal but lovable brother Sean. That would be my job, and I'm not fired yet.
This is the absolute muthf*ckin TRUTH. hahahahaha.
Dudes, I feel like I'm not being clear here.
I'm not questioning my parenting at all here. And really, that's somewhat new. I'm glad I'm not freaking the eff out over everything.
As I said, I suck sometimes, but I'm a good parent.
Eff. I think the wine went to my head more than I thought.
this board usually makes me feel like a really GOOD parent! lol.