Washington Babies


Okay, time for our weekly FFFC (Flame Free Friday Confession). Do anything flame worthy this week? Have anything you need to get off your chest? Let's hear it. :)
Nicole 32| Julian 29
Cooper: 11/20/11
Julian: EDD 8/1/16
PCOS & Endo. w/ DOR


  • From mid-January to mid-summer, I lost 20 pounds.  I gave myself a 5 pound range to stay in.  I have gained back almost 10 of those pounds and am now more than 6 pounds out of my personal acceptable range.  I am so disappointed with myself.  I signed up for weight watchers again.  I am not overweight, but I worked so hard to lose that weight and now half of it is back.  I have excuses, but they don't make me thin, so I'm not even going to bother with them.  :(
    T-man (07/27/05, 2:52pm, 10 lbs, 2 oz, 22") My Blog
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
    TTC #2 for a million years: SA normal, CD 23 bloodwork shows nothing amiss, ovulation detected. Next step: ? maybe CD3 bloodwork to check eggs? All out of pocket, so limited IF tests/treatments.
  • My husband's new work schedule sucks. I am trying to be supportive of this career change but 3 days a wewk I am alone with C all day then he has 2 shorter days. I feel like a work widow.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I planned a very low key bday party for W and ordered invites and they aren't here yet.  We leave tomorrow for a week so they won't get out till we get back which is 5 days before the party.  I feel like scrapping the whole thing I'm such a procrastonator. 
    BIG Brother born 10/19/07 little Brother born 1/31/12
  • We have no food in our fridge. There is only milk and mustard. I am to lazy to go to the store.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Smallest FFFC of all time.
  • imageJRS72206:
    Smallest FFFC of all time.

    I know! What the heck 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • My husband has almost always weighed less than me...we're about the same height and neither of us are overweight, but he's always been the skinny athlete who could eat 6 full meals a day and couldn't gain weight to save his life. But since we moved at the beginning of the summer, neither of us have worked out much, then I got pregnant so I never really got into an exercise routine, apart from walking the half hour from the ferry to my office 3 days a week.

    We both just weighed ourselves and I've gained 4 pounds during my first trimester and he's gained more than fifteen since moving. I'm secretly gloating bc I feel like I look fat right now and he is catching up to me in weight.

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