Does anyone have any positive VBAC induction stories? I was induced with my first at 41w3d and was a FT/30%/-3, so not a good candidate for an induction. I'm probably being a baby about it, but it was a seriously miserable experience for me. I would love to VBAC for this baby, but I'm worried that I (again) won't go into labor on my own and then have another miserable induction experience that won't end up working. I'm generally not this negative, but I really lost a lot of faith in the experience with my first. Any positive stories would be appreciated!
Re: VBAC induction stories?
My story is very similar. Here's why I think our outcomes could be different:
- We've gone through some of the motions - having contractions, dilating. Not sure if you pushed at all, but we got some practice. Hopefully, the experience will help things move along naturally next time.
- We're older and wiser. We know what to look out for and how to find the best support system.
- We're willing to do anything to have a VBAC. See Brownie's story below with everything she tried and finally the castor oil seemed to work.
My story is similar.I was a horrible induction candidate and it is no surprise that it failed miserably. I also worry that I won't go into labor on my own. My OB won't chemical induce so if I don't go into labor it will be a c-section. I wouldn't agree to another induction anyway.
We just have to remember that every birth is different. Even from the same woman. I have also been talking with my OB at every appointment about how a 42 week pregnancy and a big baby is probably what is normal for me (given my and my families histories) and there is no reason to get excited at 40 weeks or the prospect of a 9 lb baby.
I wasn't induced with my first- I went into labor naturally (that resulted in the cs). I was induced for my VBAC (because they would not allow me to go past 41 weeks, so they induced me then). I am glad they did because it was successful! :-) And recovery was SO much easier than my c/s.
They gave me the option of scheduling a cs or induction. I chose induction because I wanted to avoid surgery, if possible. If I ended up with a cs anyway, I would have been fine with it knowing that I did what I could to avoid it. I was 70% effaced with a low baby but no real dilation when I was induced with pit. But it worked and about 19 hours later, she arrived.
I was induced at 42w5d and had a successful VBAC (birth story in blog). I was relatively favorable for induction (50%/-2/3cm)
As I'm sure you know, the average for a FTM is 41.5 weeks (ish). Sometimes babies just need to cook longer (mine included). I would look for a provider who is willing to let you go to 42 weeks (or beyond) and hope your body goes into labor on your own.
If not, I would wait as long as possible and try natural induction methods (foley bulb, nipple stimulation, even AROM) before pitocin. And it can be done!