1. how are you feeling?
2. highlight/lowlight of your week?
3. weekend plans?
4. what is something you used to love doing as a kid, but have stopped doing it? why?
TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer
Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
**P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**
Re: Friday check-in!
1. ok I guess, hanging in there.
2. Highlight- called the RE and we have a plan to start our next (and hopefully last) IVF cycle. Lowlight- still sad about our boys.
3. No official plans really. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, my DH talked about going to a covered bridge festival.
4. I loved riding my bike all the time as a kid. I used to ride as an adult before we moved to Indy because I could ride around my neighorhood and lived near a long trail. Now that we moved and live in a semi-rural area, our street is short and I don't like to ride on narrow county roads. I could load the bike in the SUV or truck and drive to a park or trail, but I never do and it makes me sad that my bike just sits in the garage.
IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer
Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
**P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**
1. how are you feeling? 6 weeks pp and ready to be cleared for everything
2. highlight: our trip to a park on tuesday. it was right by a lake and the weather was gorgeous. i could have stayed all day! lowlight: our house is driving me insane. i am SO far behind on laundry and can never keep anything picked up. it's really nothing new for us....but at least when i was teaching, i didn't have to see the mess all day! ha!
3. weekend plans: hanging out with friends tonight - excited b/c dh can join us. DD#1 is spending the night at my parents tomorrow night and i'm going to another get together with friends. sunday is church and then lunch at my parents, which is our sunday norm.
4. what is something you used to love doing as a kid, but have stopped doing it? why? hmmm i can't think of anything off the top of my head!
1. how are you feeling? 28 weeks pregnant with twins and doing pretty good
2. highlight/lowlight of your week? high: DH got the nursery painted and the cribs assembled. low: nothing too bad, just not sleeping well
3. weekend plans? working around the house and organizing baby things all weekend, going to my nephew's birthday party on Saturday night.
4. what is something you used to love doing as a kid, but have stopped doing it? why? enjoy a life of little/no responsibilities!!
1. how are you feeling?
I am exhausted! Since I had DD, actually since I got pregnant, I need a lot more sleep and I rarely get it. This week I have stayed up too late!
2. highlight/lowlight of your week?
Highlight: I have gotten out of the house 3 times this week child free. I am a SAHM, and don't do this nearly enough! And my friends and I are having a girls night, so I am getting away again
Lowlight: Spending hours finishing Button Snakes (for an example I googled and found thishttps://activitymom.blogspot.com/2009/11/button-snake.html) for activity bags for my MOPs group, and then when we were handing them out I realized I forgot to add the instructions to the bags. I had to make 25, and my DD can't even use them right now!
3. weekend plans?
Girls night tonight, helping SIL and BIL move tomorrow, and church stuff on Sunday.
4. what is something you used to love doing as a kid, but have stopped doing it? why? Stay up super late reading! I soooo wish I could do that now.
1. Pretty good! DD slept until 9 this morning, so I got to sleep in, too! We're lazing around the house today, which is awesome.
2. Highlight: Apple picking with DD for the first time. Lowlight: DD's runny nose - I think it's a combo of teething and a cold and I feel bad for her.
3. Not much. Target run. Dinner out tomorrow night. Church Sunday.
4. Hula hooping! If I could find one of those peppermint-scented hoops again, I'd probably take it up.
2. highlight/lowlight of your week? Highlight-getting a NICE job offer to continue with my current company after I finish my clinical rotations. Lowlight-getting behind on housework, laundry, projects, etc.
3. weekend plans? Drowning my bad mood in ice cream and the Kardashian Wedding tonight. Tomorrow I am going wine tasting for a friend's wedding at Oliver Winery. Sunday I have to begin and finish a patient case presentation.
4. what is something you used to love doing as a kid, but have stopped doing it? why? Can't think of anything right now...
1. So sleep deprived. Both kids are battling colds and we have not had easy nights this week.
2. Highlight:Hmmm - pretty crappy week. At least I (barely) won my fantasy football match-up!
Lowlight: Trying to make this decision ab out putting down our dog Marley We had scheduled it for next Tuesday after crying for days thinking about it we ended up cancelling. I just want to do the right thing, but I don't know what that is.
3. The in-laws and cousins came over last night and we had a very hectic evening making dinner and then going to a Halloween storytelling event on the Canal. It was fun! Today we've taken care of some household stuff and will just enjoy the weather the rest of the day. Tomorrow we are going to the zoo with another family from daycare.
4. Ummm, everything? I few things I especially miss: Camping, horseback riding, or anything outdoors, playing organized sports, reading for pleasure, hanging out with girlfriends. The reasons I've stopped doing those things are all the same: no time!