Any Canadian VBACers?

I haven't met with my OB yet - I just got the referral from my family Dr, so hopefully I'll be meeting him soon.  I was just wondering if you've found your experience to be similar to the American girls on here?  I know I read a lot about some OB's denying VBACs completely or putting a lot of restrictions on patients - is this the case in Canada too?  Just wondering if things are much different between the health care systems regarding VBAC.  Thanks!
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Re: Any Canadian VBACers?

  • I haven't had a VBAC (not even pregnant with #2 yet). But at my 6 week check, my OB said I would be a good candidate for VBAC (LO was breech). I also spoke to a doula, and she gave me names of two other OBs in the area who a re VBAC friendly. I guess it probably depends on your area. You could always go with a midwife. (Midwife care is covered in Ontario, so I assume it would also be covered in Alberta.)
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  • I'm using a midwife, but I know when I had my c-section the OB outright told me I'd be an excellent candidate for a VBAC since my c-section was due to malpositioning.
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  • Haven't had my Vbac yet, just very newly pregnant with #2, but I will say I switched from a family physician to a midwife this time around because my family doctor told me that without a doubt the hospital would not let me attempt a Vbac under 24 months between deliveries.  When I spoke with my midwife, she said that was false.  Although most doctors prefer 24 months, hospital policy (at the hospital at which I will deliver) WILL let you attempt a Vbac between 18-24 months as long as you have an OB consult your case and give the green light.

    I'm chalking up the family physician's misinformation as an unwillingness to work with Vbac'ers.

    That being said, I know some other practitioners (MD, OB and midwives) in the area are super friendly towards attempting Vbac, as they understand it, in most cases, can be the safest way to deliver.  Anecdotally, I have heard that Canada usually is more open to alternative, less medicalized birthing methods, but I would think that just like in the States, every doctor has their own preference and opinion.

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  • I noticed you're from Alberta... I am too and I've had 3 C-sections so far ('03, '05, '10). I wanted to VBAC last time already and in Calgary they wouldn't let me. But I've heard good things about Red Deer so I think I'm gonna try there this time. I'm only 5 weeks yet so I have a bit of time to think about it! 
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  • I'm not where close to even being pregnant, but next time around I'm going to try a midwife. My OB that did the c-section said I couldn't try and any future babies would be c-section. When I saw another OB, she said that it wouldn't be a problem to try - the only thing is that they would not induce me. They do not want to start an "man-made" contraction. I'd like to believe the 2nd since everything was due to positioning, but we will see I guess. My labor didn't go well last time, so I want someone in there to be a third party and maybe stick up for us a bit. Good post, I was thinking the same thing. I'd love to hear how you make out with the OB.
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  • I don't see an OB - my family Dr does deliveries. I just had my first appt today and she is very supportive of a VBAC. She encourages it, if the circumstances are favourable. I will be attempting it. However, they don't induce for VBACs (because it can cause a very quick labour which increases chances of a rupture at the incision site). I had a double layer closure, which makes me an even better candidate. However, because I didn't go into labour on my own the first time, they will monitor it this time, and if by 40 weeks 5 days my cervix is still unfavourable (never dilated or softened last time), then I will be referred to an OB to discuss an RCS or an attempted VBAC with him monitoring.
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  • I had a successfull VBAC in Ontario in Feb.

    I had to have continious monitoring and had a hep lock (instead of IV) before I got the epi. My dr. was going to let me go 11 days after my due date before either proceeding with a C or inducing (breaking water, or folly cathider) if conditions were good.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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