Baby Names

Opinion's please

Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



Zhara (Zahra, Zara)


Leila (Layla)


Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)


Kadence (Kaydence)





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Re: Opinion's please

  • Love: Lorelei, Lilliana, Phoebe

    NMS, but not bad: Adrianna, Josephine, Giselle


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  • imageNiniJ55:

    Zhara (Zahra, Zara) - I like it with your son's name, spelled Zara

    Kayla - eh, NMS

    Leila (Layla) - I prefer the Layla spelling, but I'm not big on it with your son's name

    Adrianna - I don't like it with your son's name

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) - NMS, and I think it's pronounced Lore-eh-lie

    Josephine - Love it

    Kadence (Kaydence) - It's not awful, but I prefer it spelled with a C

    Jillian - Love it

    Giselle - Love

    Lilliana - Love

    Phoebe - NMS

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  • imageNiniJ55:

    Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



    Zhara (Zahra, Zara)-  NMS

    Kayla- Not bad, but seems a little dated and common

    Leila (Layla) - like!

    Adrianna - Love!

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) - just ok

    Josephine -- no

    Kadence (Kaydence) - no

    Jillian - just ok

    Giselle - Like!

    Lilliana - Love

    Phoebe - no

    BFP: 9/20 Blighted Ovum DX: 10/21 @ 9 weeks. Waiting for m/c.
  • imageNiniJ55:

    Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



    Zhara (Zahra, Zara)--I really like Zara


    Leila (Layla)--love Leila


    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)--like a lot


    Kadence (Kaydence)--do not like

    Jillian--like, but it's my name so I'm biased.  Like even more as Gillian, which is how I spell it.

    Giselle--like a lot



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  • And I love that your son's MN is Ishmael!  One of my favorites!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD #1 born 4/1/2012
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  • Love, love, love: Phoebe and Liliana (just one "l" though)

    Like: Zara, Josephine, Jillian

    NMS, but ok: Leila, Adrianna, Lorelei, Giselle

    Dislike: Kayla and Kadence (Kaydence is crazy-bad)

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageNiniJ55:

    Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



    Zhara (Zahra, Zara)-  NMS

    Kayla -NMS

    Leila (Layla) I like Layla better

    Adrianna NMS

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) NMS

    Josephine Love

    Kadence (Kaydence) NMS

    Jillian Like

    Giselle NMS

    Lilliana- Love





  • imageNiniJ55:

    Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



    Zhara (Zahra, Zara)~sorry.  NMS.

    Kayla~Its all right but really popular.

    Leila (Layla)~I like it


    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)~like it but reminds me of The Gilmore Girls.

    Josephine~one of my favorites.

    Kadence (Kaydence)~no



    Lilliana~like it.

    Phoebe~no.  Reminds me of airhead on Friends.  Bleh.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMoneypenny424:
    And I love that your son's MN is Ishmael!  One of my favorites!

    Thanks!! I absolutely love that name.  Part of me wishes that I saved it for a future son -- but then again you never know if there will be another boy so...



    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageNiniJ55:

    Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.



    Zhara (Zahra, Zara) - NMS, but ok

    Kayla - NMS, but ok

    Leila (Layla) - love Leila

    Adrianna - Love it!

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)- NMS, but ok

    Josephine- like it

    Kadence (Kaydence)- don't like it at all

    Jillian - love it

    Giselle- love it

    Lilliana- Love it!

    Phoebe- like it

    Lillian April 17, 2012
  • really dislike Zhara (Zahra, Zara)really love Kayla---it was our final girl pick until we found out it was a boy hahadislike Leila but love layla. leila to me is lee lah (i know a girl with this name).love Adriannadislike Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)dislike Josephine (it's growing on me but it's nms)love Kadence (Kaydence) but prefer it with a Jillianstrongly dislike GiselleLilliana is nms but it's nice.dislike Phoebefavs are adrianna and kayla.
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  • Zhara (Zahra, Zara) - pretty (spelled Zara)

    Kayla - meh

    Leila (Layla) - just ok

    Adrianna - ok

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) - nms

    Josephine - ok

    Kadence (Kaydence) - no

    Jillian - pretty

    Giselle - nms

    Lilliana - ok

    Phoebe - no

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Anniversary
  • Zhara (Zahra, Zara)- Lie it.  Prefer the Zara spelling.

    Kayla- NMS

    Leila (Layla)- Love

    Adrianna- Meh

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)- Hate

    Josephine- NMS

    Kadence (Kaydence)- Hate especially with a K

    Jillian- Like

    Giselle- NMS

    Lilliana- Love

    Phoebe- Meh

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Zhara (Zahra, Zara) I like it, I think I like Zahara a tad more.

    Kayla Meh it's just OK

    Leila (Layla) Love

    Adrianna I like it

    Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) I like it

    Josephine Love

    Kadence (Kaydence) NMS

    Jillian OK

    Giselle Love

    Lilliana Love

    Phoebe OK

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  • Love: Zara, Lorelei

    NMS: Josephine, Kadence, Giselle

    The rest fall into the "like" category...

    BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
    BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
    BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
    "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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  • I like Lorelei, Jillian, and Giselle.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Love: Josephine

    Like: Jillian, Lilliana, Lorelei

    Meh: Adrianna, Giselle, Zara

    Boo: Kayla, Leila, Kadence, Phoebe

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  • Awesome: Lorelei, Leila, Giselle

    Good: Lilliana, Phoebe, Jillian, Adrianna, Josephine

    NMS at all: Kadence, Kayla, Zhara

    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • YesLayla, Adrianna, Kaydence

    Really dont like Phoebe, Zhara

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