Hi there -- this is my first post on the baby names board. I hope none of my choices get flamed. These are not my final choices.. but I am looking for some opinions on girl's names. Also - feel free to give me a suggestion based on the names I have listed.
Zhara (Zahra, Zara)
Leila (Layla)
Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)
Kadence (Kaydence)
Re: Opinion's please
Love: Lorelei, Lilliana, Phoebe
NMS, but not bad: Adrianna, Josephine, Giselle
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
Love, love, love: Phoebe and Liliana (just one "l" though)
Like: Zara, Josephine, Jillian
NMS, but ok: Leila, Adrianna, Lorelei, Giselle
Dislike: Kayla and Kadence (Kaydence is crazy-bad)
Thanks!! I absolutely love that name. Part of me wishes that I saved it for a future son -- but then again you never know if there will be another boy so...
Zhara (Zahra, Zara) - pretty (spelled Zara)
Kayla - meh
Leila (Layla) - just ok
Adrianna - ok
Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) - nms
Josephine - ok
Kadence (Kaydence) - no
Jillian - pretty
Giselle - nms
Lilliana - ok
Phoebe - no
Zhara (Zahra, Zara)- Lie it. Prefer the Zara spelling.
Kayla- NMS
Leila (Layla)- Love
Adrianna- Meh
Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie)- Hate
Josephine- NMS
Kadence (Kaydence)- Hate especially with a K
Jillian- Like
Giselle- NMS
Lilliana- Love
Phoebe- Meh
Zhara (Zahra, Zara) I like it, I think I like Zahara a tad more.
Kayla Meh it's just OK
Leila (Layla) Love
Adrianna I like it
Lorelei (pronounced Lori-lie) I like it
Josephine Love
Kadence (Kaydence) NMS
Jillian OK
Giselle Love
Lilliana Love
Phoebe OK
Love: Zara, Lorelei
NMS: Josephine, Kadence, Giselle
The rest fall into the "like" category...
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
"And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
Love: Josephine
Like: Jillian, Lilliana, Lorelei
Meh: Adrianna, Giselle, Zara
Boo: Kayla, Leila, Kadence, Phoebe
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
Awesome: Lorelei, Leila, Giselle
Good: Lilliana, Phoebe, Jillian, Adrianna, Josephine
NMS at all: Kadence, Kayla, Zhara
Really dont like Phoebe, Zhara