
Daycare Moms of Toddlers 2+

My DS has always been a bit messy (well a lot).  Does your DC come home from school dirty?  I know they clean up DS a lot throughout the day and frequently wash hands etc... but he comes home so dirty sometimes.  I don't know where the line is as far as "boys will be boys" and where it is getting bad enough to mention it.  DH said it looks like sometimes he must be "swimming in the mulch" out on the playground.  I don't want them to stop him from playing and having fun, but am I wrong to think they can take the time to clean him up a little better.  Sometimes I understand, if when we happen to pick him up they are out on the playground, but otherwise he should be fairly clean (and of course we always have clean clothes there for him that are never getting used). 

Part vent, part curiosity of what is the "norm" at other daycares, especially if the kids are outside a lot (we live in FL, so they do get to spend plenty of time outside playing).



Re: Daycare Moms of Toddlers 2+

  • I just started working PT at a daycare so this is my take. Some of the teachers I have worked with, particularly in the toddler and infant rooms aren't great at cleaning the kids up. I will come in and some of them have like snot glued to their lip. It's gross. I always take a wipe or tissue and at least wipe them down. I think it really depends on the teacher in the room though.

     I don't think it is out of the question to expect your kid to be reasonably neat when you pick them up.  It also depends if it's all the time or just once in a while. It is their job to look after them and part of that is their hygeine and appearance. Playing outside when you get them is one thing, like you said..but I would want a presentable kid when I got them.

  • Good point about depending on the teacher.  The teacher he has in his 2yr old room now is much more "laid back" than his prev. teacher in the 1yo room.  She is a great teacher, the room and everything is always very clean, and she is great with him, but my one gripe is about how dirty he is (not everyday but recently it has been more often)  THanks!

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  • I guess it would depend on what kind of dirty.  Is is dirt from the playground? or food that he spilled on his pants? or food in his hair?  I think these are not really preventable.  But, snot on his nose, or dirt on his face...things they can clean up easily with a wipe, I would want this cleaned up. 

    I think it also depends on your kid.  I have a pretty neat kid.  Doesn't spill things on himself very often, and is not very high energy so he isn't flinging dirt around like a lot of very normal toddlers do, lol.  If I had one of these boys I would assume he was going to come home dirty everyday, and would rather they didn't put another change of clothes on just to get them dirty again.

  • The only dirty my kids really are when they come home from daycare is food on their clothes sometimes. They go to an in home daycare. THere isn't a lot of kids there and our daycare lady is a long time family friend of DH's family and all of her daycare kids are family friends, so she takes great care of them.
  • My DS comes home with food caked on his shirt, but they have all the 1s and 2s eating together, so even with 4 or 5 teachers in there, it's an absolute madhouse. I don't really expect him to come home clean and that's why he has 'daycare clothes'.
  • My DD isn't in daycare, but at 2.5, she is always dirty at the end of the day.  She loves rocks, sticks, and leaves.  She is super messy as an eater, loves to do messy things like play in dirt, water, glue, finger paint, ect.  It is impossible to keep her clean and I just have the one!
  • I'm often amazed at how clean Kyle is after a day at daycare.  They do a better job than I do!
  • If there clothes are very dirty, they will change them.  Most of the time my two are pretty clean at pick up time.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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