i'm looking for the narrowest, easiest to fold/unfold double stroller. i've read all the reviews (several times) and it looks like it's down to these two. my babies will be 17 months apart. any experience with either of these strollers??? there is NOWHERE around for me to test them out, otherwise I'd judge for myself
Re: Bumbleride Indie Twin or Valco-Trimode Twin?
Well, neither of those are the narrowest by a long shot. They are full size strollers, whereas there is a whole world of lightweight, narrow strollers out there.
I bought a Valco at first but ended up selling it because it was heavy, too big to fit in the car well, and we never used it. It is a gorgeous, well made stroller, but it was pretty impractical for the reality of getting in/out of the car, running errands, etc. I used the double SnG exclusively until we got the girls their convertible carseats at around 8 mo, and then I bought the Peg Perego Aria Twin. It's lightweight, folds easily, and fits in any vehicle. Despite loving the big, gorgeous strollers, I came to the realization that they didn't really suit our suburban lifestyle.
thanks for the info!! yes, i agree that there are narrower strollers but i want to only buy ONE so i need a full size stroller that i can jog with.
I love my Valco for trips to the zoo and park - the sunshades are great, there is a lot of room and it will go anywhere. That said, it is not practical for throwing in and out of the car on a daily basis. No way. And if you don't have a big car, forget about it. It is one of the narrowest strollers. I have a pic in my bio.
I don't know anything about the bumbleride. IMO, no stroller is perfect. We got a very cheap and BTW, crappy Jeep Sport side-by-side for quick trips. We just took it to the pumpkin patch and it rode through the dirt paths like we were going through cement. And the sunshade is so flimsy and crappy we threw it away. That said, for taking the kids to the store or to the mall and errands, it is quick and easy.
We also had 2 SNGs and the Graco tandem.
I love our Bumbleride Indie twin. The boys are comfortable in it and it works for us for on a daily basis. We have a Passat wagon and an SUV so we don't have trouble with space issues. It's heavier (many doubles are), but I can handle lifting it in and out of the vehicles. Once you get used to the folding it's not bad at all.