I just found out that my office is throwing me and my pregnancy partner (co-worker and myself are due a week apart) a diaper party. I?m very grateful that they are throwing us a party b/c this is baby #3 for the both of us but I?m not using sposies. I?ve brought in my CDs or had my packages delivered to work and showed them off to just about everybody (my BG OS, BG AIO and my Econobums). What do I do with all the diapers? Maybe I?ll keep a few packages from each size for traveling. Is it tacky to return the diapers and take the $ and finish getting my stash or should I say something about gift cards and cash? Or should I just give them to my co-worker who's using sposies?
Re: The Wrong Kind of Diaper Party
Do you know for a fact they're giving you disposable diapers?
If you get disposables, I have no problem with you returning them for $.
This. And as PP mentioned, I might keep a pack of each size you get for traveling, rashes, etc.
They know you're CDing, and they're definitely giving you sposies? Do you think you can tell whoever's organizing, "That's so sweet that you guys want to buy us diapers - we're registered for our cloth diapers on Amazon" ?? I don't know, that's kind of a tough one.
I don't think I'd have any problem returning them for cash, though. It seems unfair for your coworker to get twice the sposies and you to get nothing.
I'd return them and buy something you need. Walmart takes diaper returns and gives you gift cards - not useful for buying cloth diapers, but probably useful enough to buy groceries and spend that money on cloth instead.
Just thank your coworkers and do what suits you with the gifts.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Thanks Ladies!
A diaper party is baby shower where the guests purchase diapers for the mother. I think it?s pretty popular in the south and for people that have multiple children. Some people buy wipes, clothes or other stuff to go with the diapers. I am very grateful for the party and I will accept the gifts willingly but I? know I?ll feel bad returning them.
I have also told several coworkers that I?m registered at Cottonbabies.
If you register at buy buy baby (I know that one for sure, I don't know about others) they are very good about returns. And they have bumgenius and quite a few diapering supplies on their website.
I wouldn't feel bad about returning them--you are getting something else for the baby!
Walmart sells CDs on their website, so that might be perfect.
Check out this Bumpie Business List .