Baby Names

middle name my husband won't shut up about

So, we have pretty much decided on a first name if our baby is a boy- Liam, which is good, because we haven't really been on the same page about ANY other name....but the middle name? No. I'm hoping that by getting some input here (I'm fully expecting the name to get shredded on this board), I can be armed with some valid arguments so my husband will quit suggesting it!

Anyways, he is fully in love with the name Liam Seamus (which is pronounced Shay-mus, but, you know, sort of looks like Semen, and I'm sure most people would mispronounce as Sea-mus. But that's just me). I would be happier with something a little more innocuous, like James (his grandfather's name), Paul (my dad's name), or even Colin (my husband's name).

I guess I should also mention that he is Scottish/Irish, with his mother directly off the boat from Scotland. So maybe it makes a little more sense? I don't know, I still hate it.


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Re: middle name my husband won't shut up about

  • I think it's a pretty awesome name and I don't think most people would have trouble with the pronunciation.
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  • I personally think Seamus is awesome for a MN:).  Plus, Seamus is the Irish version of James, so you kind of both win. 

    Perhaps you two could find another Scottish/Irish name that would work? 

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  • eek, you are not helping my argument :) , but it's good to know that maybe it wouldn't be immediately mispronounced...hmmmm....I guess I don't mind the actual sound of the name, maybe it's just the spelling that makes me nuts?

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  • I'm not going to be any help to you but I happen to LOVE Liam Seamus. I don't know if it's a geographical thing but I know plenty of guys named Seamus and I've never heard it pronounced incorrectly. 

    However, I do love using family names as middle name so Liam Colin would also be fantastic (I think James and Paul are too short with Liam). Good luck in your decision!  

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  • imageMoneypenny424:

    I personally think Seamus is awesome for a MN:).  Plus, Seamus is the Irish version of James, so you kind of both win. 

    Perhaps you two could find another Scottish/Irish name that would work? 

    That's his argument!! haha. I'm glad I asked this question though, the lack of immediate thrashing I was expecting makes me feel a little may end up growing on me ;)


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  • Liam Seamus sounds great to me. I feel like Seamus is one of those names that most people do know how to pronounce despite its tricky spelling, and since it'll be his middle name, I don't think he'll encounter trouble.

    I'm going to have to support your husband--Seamus goes perfectly with Liam, it references your child's heritage, and, honestly, I really like the name.

    I think, actually, you'll find that a lot of people on this board will like Seamus. Good luck coming to an agreement, in any case.

  • I wouldn't mispronounce Seamus.

    If it's a middle name, who is going to be seeing it written down?  If people know his middle name, it will probably be because you tell them what it is, so why would they mispronounce it?  I don't think you have an argument there.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't name my son anything I hated as much as you seem to hate it - so find the compromise.  James, Paul and Colin are all great names.  What is your family's heritage?  Are you also Scottish?  If not, I don't think it's fair for your son's name to only reflect his father's family. 

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  • image526SadieSadie:

    I wouldn't mispronounce Seamus.

    If it's a middle name, who is going to be seeing it written down?  If people know his middle name, it will probably be because you tell them what it is, so why would they mispronounce it?  I don't think you have an argument there.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't name my son anything I hated as much as you seem to hate it - so find the compromise.  James, Paul and Colin are all great names.  What is your family's heritage?  Are you also Scottish?  If not, I don't think it's fair for your son's name to only reflect his father's family. 


    Scottish no, but my family is mostly Irish, so that's how this thing sort of came to be initially...And that's a good point about no one really seeing his MN anyways. I was always thinking about roll call in school, but I'm probably just overthinking....


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  • imagemaccalovah:

    I wouldn't mispronounce Seamus.

    If it's a middle name, who is going to be seeing it written down?  If people know his middle name, it will probably be because you tell them what it is, so why would they mispronounce it?  I don't think you have an argument there.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't name my son anything I hated as much as you seem to hate it - so find the compromise.  James, Paul and Colin are all great names.  What is your family's heritage?  Are you also Scottish?  If not, I don't think it's fair for your son's name to only reflect his father's family. 


    Scottish no, but my family is mostly Irish, so that's how this thing sort of came to be initially...And that's a good point about no one really seeing his MN anyways. I was always thinking about roll call in school, but I'm probably just overthinking....

    I don't think the middle name shows up on a class roster, maybe a middle initial if there are two children with the same first and last names.  I never had a teacher call me Gianna Christine Giorgi on the first day of school...

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  • I've always loved Seamus. I think enough people are familiar with it so that there won't be much of a pronunciation issue?it's the mn spot anyway. The link to his background is a big plus, too.

    Liam Seamus is kinda badass and I love it. That said, I firmly believe both parents have veto power when it comes to naming their kids.

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  • image526SadieSadie:

    I don't think the middle name shows up on a class roster, maybe a middle initial if there are two children with the same first and last names.  I never had a teacher call me Gianna Christine Giorgi on the first day of school...

    I actually forgot what my middle name was for a few years as a child--it had been so long since I'd heard it, I got it mixed up with a similar name. No teacher ever called me by my middle name.

    That was a good twenty years ago, though, so things may be different now.

  • Ummm... Liam Seamus is super cute. The names go really well together. I don't think you could go wrong using it. The only people who might mispronounce it are probably idiots anyway, so who cares! :)
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  • My husband may end up coming here to thank you ladies for all this positive reinforcement, haha. I am going to have to think on this a bit more....

    Or, we may end up having a girl, so all of this will be moot anyways ;)


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  • I love Seamus - but I also like your idea of a family name.

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  • Liam Seamus is great! I think most people know how to pronounce that.
  • I think that it's an excellent name and that many people would recognize the correct pronunciation of Seamus right away. 
  • I really like that name, particularly if he is Irish/Scottish.
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  • As far as the pronunciation - sure, some people will mispronounce it the first time, but once you say it for them, they'll know how to say it.

    We named DS Declan and I get this all the time. Heck, even *I* mispronounced it the first time I saw it.  I don't see it as a big deal.

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  • I'm no help to you, either. I love Liam Seamus! Also, where it's his middle name, even IF people don't know how to pronounce it, it won't matter. After the first few weeks, no one really cared to know my DD's middle name.
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  • I like the name Seamus.  Does it have a family connection or does he just like it?

    Your other middle name options are nice too.

  • I love Seamus and would use it as a first name if my DH was on board.
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  • My son is William Robert and we call him Liam. 

    Liam James

    Liam Allen

    Liam Andrew

    Liam Tyler 

  • I LOVE Seamus, too! I probably wouldn't use it as a first name, just because some crazy folks may not know how to pronounce it, butit'swonderful as a middle name)
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  • I think Seamus is fine too, I knew a boy in elementary school / jr high who was a Seamus, I don't remember any jokes...

    What about Hamish? (Hay-mish). This is my Scottish BIL's name. It has the same sound w/o the semen conotation. It also means James, btw.


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  • imageEastCoastBride:

    As far as the pronunciation - sure, some people will mispronounce it the first time, but once you say it for them, they'll know how to say it.

    We named DS Declan and I get this all the time. Heck, even *I* mispronounced it the first time I saw it.  I don't see it as a big deal.


    How do you pronouce that??

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  • Seamus is a legit name. I don't think that many people would have a problem knowing how to say it. And I really like the name.

    Having said all that, I don't like it when paired with Liam. I love the name Liam, and Seamus, just not together. I think its cute that he wants to combine his Irish and Scottish heritage. But I would suggest finding a different Scottish name. 

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  • I think Liam Seamus is absolutely adorable!  I think it's becoming common enough that it's not going to be a huge pronunciation problem.  Plus, how many people say your middle name?
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  • imageMoneypenny424:

    I personally think Seamus is awesome for a MN:).  Plus, Seamus is the Irish version of James, so you kind of both win.

    This was my exact thought

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  • Yea, I hate the name Seamus too. But regardless, you shouldn't use a name you BOTH don't love. I think a family name, like some of the others you mentioned, is the way to go.
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  • Sorry, I like the name.  As a middle name it won't be used much by anyone else anyway.
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  • Sorry I side with you...I'm not a fan of Seamus either.
  • I think it sounds good together... But I had no idea that's how you would pronounce it, seems like I am the only one here though.

    Lillian April 17, 2012
  • LOVE Liam Seamus!! Especially since (as pp's said) it's a form of James, which is a name you were interested in anyways!

    I'm a teacher and mn's are never on my class rosters. The only time I see them is on the emergency contact cards. I've never called out the mn of any of my students. :)

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  • I'm pretty sure most people know how to pronounce seamus. plus mn's are kind of free-for-all.personally i like seamus better than liam.


  • imagesalt78:
    I think it's a pretty awesome name and I don't think most people would have trouble with the pronunciation.

    This.  I love the name Liam Seamus!  However, if you hate it, then you guys need to find a name that you both like. 

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  • Sorry if this isn't the answer that you were looking for, but Seamus is one of my favorite names!  I think that they sound awesome together.
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  • Add my vote in for Liam Seamus. I love the name! Seamus wouldn't get mispronounced here, I've met a Seamus under 5 and few teens/adults (male, obv!). But we also have a large population of Scottish/Irish in our area (new citizens, not just 1st gen).
  • imageAlphabetFish:

    Liam Seamus sounds great to me. I feel like Seamus is one of those names that most people do know how to pronounce despite its tricky spelling, and since it'll be his middle name, I don't think he'll encounter trouble.

    I'm going to have to support your husband--Seamus goes perfectly with Liam, it references your child's heritage, and, honestly, I really like the name.

    I think, actually, you'll find that a lot of people on this board will like Seamus. Good luck coming to an agreement, in any case.

    This :)


    Seamus is one of my favourite boy names 

  • I like Seamus a lot, and strongly prefer it to the blander contenders you mentioned.

    I know how to pronounce it. And it doesn't remind me of semen (trust me, I find innuendos everywhere possible).

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  • I wouldn't mispronounce it but I don't like Seamus either.  Like you said, it reminds me of semen.  I do like the flow of Liam James, though.  Good luck with this one!
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