Cloth Diapering

Spend my money!

I really want to get some more NB fitteds. With J., our only fitteds for the NB stage were KL0s. They worked just fine, but I want to try some others!

I just ordered some of the GMD orange edge fitteds, but the orange edge PFs were waaay too big on J. at first. DH, myself, and my mother (who CDed 3 kids) couldn't get them to work without him peeing out the top they were so bulky.

So, if you used fitteds during the NB stage, what were your favorites? Tell me what to buy ladies!
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Re: Spend my money!

  • We loved the KL contours.  Easy to use and really adjustable to get a good fit.
  • For the NB phase I used KL0s, GMD workhourse fitteds, and Thirsties Duo fab fitted and the original fab fitted.

     I LOVED the original fab fitted (they were a sized version - I used XS).... You may be able to find a few hanging out places, or on DS or Spots...

    The Duo fab fitted was good too...

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