
She isnt spoiled!!!!!!

So I stay home with my 6 month old. So its only natural she is a little attatched to me. But it really gets under my skin when family says she is spoiled because she whines or cries when they hold her, and then stops when I take her.  Normaly this only happens when she is cranky or tired. First of all this doesnt mean she is spoiled!!!! Spoiled would mean being a brat and me buying or doing everything for her. This mostly comes from my boyfriends side of the family, especially his mother. And she usually says it in a joking way or under her breath. But I know she doesnt mean it as a joke. It really gets to me!!!!!! Help!!!!!!

Re: She isnt spoiled!!!!!!

  • So tell her. If you keep letting her get away with it, she'll keep doing it.

    "I don't appreciate the way you call our baby spoiled. She's not. She's six months old and prefers her mommy. I can stop bringing her over here if you think she's so bad."

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • DH's fam does this too.  They don't say spoiled though, they have called the girls (tay as a baby & now Dylan) that they are "Mama's girls).  Who cares.  Sometimes DH's fam CAN be overwhelming, so I want to cling to MY Mommy too!  They eventually grow out of it (DD is 17 mo tomorrow, so not her).
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  • Just tell her you can't spoil a baby. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imageArnegard:
    DH's fam does this too.  They don't say spoiled though, they have called the girls (tay as a baby & now Dylan) that they are "Mama's girls).  Who cares.  Sometimes DH's fam CAN be overwhelming, so I want to cling to MY Mommy too!  They eventually grow out of it (DD is 17 mo tomorrow, so not her).

    Yes Me too!

  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    So tell her. If you keep letting her get away with it, she'll keep doing it.

    "I don't appreciate the way you call our baby spoiled. She's not. She's six months old and prefers her mommy. I can stop bringing her over here if you think she's so bad."

    This.  You need to say something or you will be complaining for years.  Your DD is not spoiled and she does not prefer you just b/c you are a SAHM, she prefers you b/c you are her Mom.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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