Pre-School and Daycare

Preschool birthday parties?

We are starting to get invitations for birthday parties from DS's classmates. DS has only mentioned 2 kids in class.  He's very shy and the teacher says he doesn't talk much in class, so I'm not sure if he has made othe friends or not.  He won't talk to me about school since he had a rough adjustment and every time I mention school at home, he freaks out thinking it's time to go to school again.

Is it weird to go to the birthday party if DS doesn't seem to know that kid (and if I don't know the kid or the parents either)?  And what's the normal price range for gifts?

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Re: Preschool birthday parties?

  • imageJen&Len:

    Is it weird to go to the birthday party if DS doesn't seem to know that kid (and if I don't know the kid or the parents either)?  And what's the normal price range for gifts?

    That's actually all the MORE reason for your child and you to go to these parties.  Birthday parties are how I got to know many of the Moms in my children's classes and it helps me learn who the kids are so I can talk to my kids about the children in their classes by name instead of relying on them to tell me their names.

    It's the perfect way to help a shy child forge stronger relationships with the kids at school because you can be there to encourage the interaction and help him learn names by repeating them to him often while they're playing together.

    I tend to go low for entire class party gifts - usually around $15.  At this age a kid has NO clue how much something costs and is usually just as easily entertained by cheaper gifts.

    I tend to buy several things at a time when they're on clearance and put them in a gift closet.  Target often runs things on clearance on their end caps for $15 or less. 

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  • imagehowleyshell:

    Is it weird to go to the birthday party if DS doesn't seem to know that kid (and if I don't know the kid or the parents either)?  And what's the normal price range for gifts?

    That's actually all the MORE reason for your child and you to go to these parties.  Birthday parties are how I got to know many of the Moms in my children's classes and it helps me learn who the kids are so I can talk to my kids about the children in their classes by name instead of relying on them to tell me their names.

    It's the perfect way to help a shy child forge stronger relationships with the kids at school because you can be there to encourage the interaction and help him learn names by repeating them to him often while they're playing together.

    I tend to go low for entire class party gifts - usually around $15.  At this age a kid has NO clue how much something costs and is usually just as easily entertained by cheaper gifts.

    I tend to buy several things at a time when they're on clearance and put them in a gift closet.  Target often runs things on clearance on their end caps for $15 or less. 

    I agree with all of this. I am in such desperate need of some working mom friends that I'm dying for ds to be invited to more classmates's parties just so we can meet some new people who have kids the same age.

    ETA: Ds is not shy and knows all his classmates...but I don't know many of the parents.

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  • ITA with the PPs. I plan to invite all of the boys' classmates to their birthday party in December so I can get to know the parents better and the other kids. The school they're at will go all the way to 12th grade, so we're going to be spending a lot of time with these people for the next 14 years. :)
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  • I would go to help your child make friends with these kids in a different environment as it might him enjoy school better.  You will be with him and can help him navigate around the kids and party.  I typically spend $10-$15.
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  • imageMrs Manners:

    Is it weird to go to the birthday party if DS doesn't seem to know that kid (and if I don't know the kid or the parents either)?  And what's the normal price range for gifts?

    That's actually all the MORE reason for your child and you to go to these parties.  Birthday parties are how I got to know many of the Moms in my children's classes and it helps me learn who the kids are so I can talk to my kids about the children in their classes by name instead of relying on them to tell me their names.

    It's the perfect way to help a shy child forge stronger relationships with the kids at school because you can be there to encourage the interaction and help him learn names by repeating them to him often while they're playing together.

    I tend to go low for entire class party gifts - usually around $15.  At this age a kid has NO clue how much something costs and is usually just as easily entertained by cheaper gifts.

    I tend to buy several things at a time when they're on clearance and put them in a gift closet.  Target often runs things on clearance on their end caps for $15 or less. 

    I agree with all of this. I am in such desperate need of some working mom friends that I'm dying for ds to be invited to more classmates's parties just so we can meet some new people who have kids the same age.

    ETA: Ds is not shy and knows all his classmates...but I don't know many of the parents.

    Ditto all this, I have a fun at all the parties and I've made some good friends.

    Mrs. Manners - we started a regular GTG w/ some of the daycare kids and moms at our Chik Fila kids night - we all have a blast and have been doing it for about 6 months now.

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