VBAC Success

I had two vaginal births and one c-section before I had a VBAC four months ago. My doctor scheduled me for a c-section and I DID NOT want one because the recovery for me was worse with a CS than a vaginal. 

Two days before my scheduled CS, I was having contractions off and on and finally, three hours before I was due to arrive at the hospital for the CS, I went to the hospital thinking I was in labor. I WAS IN LABOR! I was 5 centimeters dialated and my doctor agreed to let me try a vaginal birth. She told me if anything went wrong I should be prepared for a CS, but four hours later I gave birth to my little boy (VBAC). I had quite a bit of tearing, but I was able to go home the next day to be with my other children so that was nice!

It was really frustrating seeing different doctors who all have different views about VBACS. Some of them said I was a good candidate and others were not willing to take the risk. I was really stressed out about it but finally scheduled the CS with the attitude of "whatever happens, happens" and it all worked out in the end. Good luck to everyone trying to decide what to do! 



Re: VBAC Success

  • Congrats.  All the different opinions drive me crazy.  Even with my first birth - everyone had something different to say.  And all of them were convinced that they were right.   It must be something the teach in med school - 'how to convince yourself and others that you're all-knowing."

    It's crazy - if someone who has already had 2 vaginal births isn't a great VBAC candidate, I don't know who is.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagecchill01:

    It's crazy - if someone who has already had 2 vaginal births isn't a great VBAC candidate, I don't know who is.


    Congrats, OP, on your VBAC.  I'm so glad it worked out for you! 

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  • imageBrownie_222:

    It's crazy - if someone who has already had 2 vaginal births isn't a great VBAC candidate, I don't know who is.


    Congrats, OP, on your VBAC.  I'm so glad it worked out for you! 

    Couldn't agree more!!  Props to you for sticking to your guns OP!   

    ~Sweet Girl *8/18/08* c-section ~ Sweet Boy *12/2/10* VBAC ~ Sweet Boy *8/14/12* VBAC~ 


    VBAC Birth Story    2VBAC Birth Story  

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