Cloth Diapering

Please help me trouble shoot! - Thirsties Duo Covers

So I have been actively been CDing my DS for the past couple of weeks, and in the last couple of days have noticed that my Thirsties covers seem to be absorbing liquid, causing them to become very moist at the seams thereby causing my son's clothes to become wet as well. This seems to be occurring mostly when I'm using my NB prefolds (my primary diaper), and haven't seen issues with my fitteds, though I don't have many and therefore don't use them as much.

Has anyone else had this issue?? I do change my son ever couple of hours, or as I notice he is wet/dirty, whichever comes first. I guess maybe he could be a heavy wetter and I need to either step it up to the size sm prefolds I have (he's just over 9lbs, so I think we could venture there), or start adding in some extra absorbency? I don't think it's an issue with the covers. They are machine washed, but always air dried.

If anyone can offer me any help or give me any ideas as to what I could do I would GREATLY appreciate it!! I'm loving my cloth and want to get over this little bump soon. TIA! 

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Re: Please help me trouble shoot! - Thirsties Duo Covers

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