Cloth Diapering

daycare mamas

I'm returning to work when DS is a year old.  Our daycare has agreed to use our CDs (score!).  Now I'm wondering if I need a bigger stash.  We have 25 OS pocket dipes (BG and Kawaii), and we wash every other day.  How are you other daycare mamas doing it?  How many dipes do you have?  Do you bring in clean dipes every day for the DCP, or do you keep a stash there?  Are you taking your dipes home every day?
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Re: daycare mamas

  • Our daycare requires that diapers are taken home every day.  We had 22 BG4s and I was making it work but sometimes we were running pretty tight so I bought 6 more on their current promotion. It's given me a lot more breathing room for getting diaper laundry done. I, too, wash every other day but sometimes I won't get home until a little later and get them washed, dried and packed up for the next day was presenting a challenge at times.

    We take dipes every day. I don't really trust leaving my diapers but I'm weird like that Stick out tongue  I just take 4 (the average that he goes through each day) and a clean wet bag every day. We leave some sposies and he goes in one of those if he ends up going through the diapers I send. We also use disposable wipes at the daycare b/c figuring out a routine for wipes was just more work than it was worth for me. (We use cloth wipes at home and I love them.)

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  • We've been fine with 24 Marvels AIOs plus some prefolds that I sometimes use at home. Actually for a week or so we were down to 19 AIOs because some were being repaired, and I was still able to wash every other day. It was a stretch, though.

     We send him with 6, they change him every 2 hours so he usually goes through 4. We take home the wetbag every night.

    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
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  • We take 10 every day, and she uses 4-5 a day.  We take everything back home with us at the end of the day.  They're transported in a small gym bag.
  • We have about 12 dipes that we use exclusively for daycare, and then 4 Best Bottoms covers and about 15 inserts (hemp and MF) for home. I wash every other day. I take 6 every day to daycare and he usually comes home with one or 2 still clean. 
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  • We have approx 22 diapers and wash every 3rd day.  I send 5 to DCP every day and bring home 3-4 dirty.  He goes on the potty a few times a day so we're lucky. 

    I thought about keeping a stash there but it just wasn't feasible. I also didn't think it was fair for DCP to have to keep track of a wetbag, etc.  She has 4 kids of her own so I'm sure her nights are hectic too.

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  • our daycare requires diaper changes every 2 hrs.  I bring in 6 diapers.  Leave them with a wet bag, cloth wipes, and bum spray. Take home the diaper at night.  I have 12 diapers i use for daycare (make sure to give them ones with aplix fastens since snaps can be confusing), so i just have two wet bags and wash every other day. 
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  • I take 10 diapers (5 per girl) for the day, and 8 usually are used. Each day I take home the dirty diapers in a wet bag, and bring back clean diapers the next day. I wash every other day, so the diapers that come home just go into the big hanging wetbag once I make sure I don't need to spray them. We only use aplix for daycare, and stick to our AI2 system for simplicity. My mom watches them and she opted for the AI2s rather than pockets when given a choice.
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  • Thanks for the responses, ladies!  I guess need to get a couple more wetbags.
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