I'm just having a rough day. My hip is killing me for some reason. My kids have found it to be really funny to throw food on the floor, which means I'm on my hands and knees cleaning up the floor all day long. My husband's friends are staying with us all weekend and my house is a sty. I'm hoping to lose two pounds this week to get to my 10% on Weight Watchers and I think I've failed. Again. My crazy SIL came up with the idea take take pictures of all the grandkids as a gift to my inlaws for Christmas to save money(her idea). I'm doing all the leg work, using my Pampers points, using my frame, etc. And I just found out that the reason they have no money is that she's going on two weekend trips this month for her birthday, she and BIL are going on a cruise in March, and they're going to Disney World for the third time in three years in May. Waaaaah. I know this are all first world problems and I should feel really lucky that these are the issues I'm dealing with. Thanks for letting me whine.
Re: Anyone want to join my pity party?