Sophia (who will be 5 in january--can't even believe that) has been giving us hell at bedtime and wakes up wide awake multiple times during the night. she will start yelling for me and of course wakes up the baby. we have given her a special flashlight to sleep with, her nightlight is on. I put the baby monitor back into her room. we have been leaving the hall light and her bathroom light on but she still keeps with her "I'm afraid of the dark!" clearly her room isn't dark with all those lights on.took her to the doctor today to rule out anything medical, but aside from seasonal allergies, all is well. her heart has been fine so no heart meds or anything. the dr did suggest I stop her zyrtec to see if that makes a difference. which I'll do. Today I got some baby powder that we are calling "Magic Monster Powder" to sprinkle in her room to hopefully help ease her monster thoughts a bit. we also decorated the outside of the powder container with stickers and labeled it "Magic Monster Powder" S has also requested that minna sleeps in her room so minna and her sleeping crate will be relocated to S's room tonight. she is putting a lot of faith into a 17 year old dachshund but who am I to say anything about that? LOLas far as recent events that may be causing the issue, nothing has changed at school, activities, our day to day...nothing out of the norm just this insane inability to sleep.Has anyone else gone through this? please tell me it's a quick phase and it will be over soon.... PLEASE! and thank you!
Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10)
Doctor in training!
Today I got some baby powder that we are calling "Magic Monster Powder" to sprinkle in her room to hopefully help ease her monster thoughts a bit. we also decorated the outside of the powder container with stickers and labeled it "Magic Monster Powder" S has also requested that minna sleeps in her room so minna and her sleeping crate will be relocated to S's room tonight. she is putting a lot of faith into a 17 year old dachshund but who am I to say anything about that? LOL
We went through a phase like this with my son. Instead of inventing a magical object to fend of the monsters, ghost in his case. I gave HIM the power by telling him what to say/do if he should think there is something there. We told him to yell,"Hey! I'm not scared of you! You're NOT real!" Then we take a deep breath and blow it away, cause it wasn't even there to begin with. We role played it over and over during the day, I would randomly do it so he could hear me from another room in the house. It worked great, and I never heard him yelling at any ghosts during the night.
I think the problem with monster powder/spray is that you are reincforcing that there may actually be monsters that she needs protecting from. It may work to make her feel safe, or backfire, but it doesn't' empower her to stand up to the things that cause her anxiety and may just refocus the fear/anxiety some place else.
Re: RP--sleep problems....tell me we're not alone!!!
every night of my DD's life so far. you are not alone.
sorry, i have no suggestions, only hugs and good luck wishes!
We went through a phase like this with my son. Instead of inventing a magical object to fend of the monsters, ghost in his case. I gave HIM the power by telling him what to say/do if he should think there is something there. We told him to yell,"Hey! I'm not scared of you! You're NOT real!" Then we take a deep breath and blow it away, cause it wasn't even there to begin with. We role played it over and over during the day, I would randomly do it so he could hear me from another room in the house. It worked great, and I never heard him yelling at any ghosts during the night.
I think the problem with monster powder/spray is that you are reincforcing that there may actually be monsters that she needs protecting from. It may work to make her feel safe, or backfire, but it doesn't' empower her to stand up to the things that cause her anxiety and may just refocus the fear/anxiety some place else.