Our twins arrived early last week because of PIH on my part. They were 35 and 5, and weighed 4.13 (Tommy) and 5.2 (Caroline) both came down to the newborn nursery after 7 hours in the transitional care at the NICU, and they came home with us on Friday.
We are struggling with feeding-especially with Tommy. Met with the Pediatrician yesterday and they are close to being back at their birth weights, but we are only getting about an ounce in at a time for Tommy and between 1.5 and 2 with Caro. We are using the Enfacare, and we had the nursettes, which Caro did great on and Tommy did okay. When we switched to the formula, we tried Dr. Brown's with the Step one nipple and Caro dribbles like crazy, but she actually seems gassier!
We are going to try the Playtex drop ins (because we have some in the house) and we may pick some Avent if these don't work. Does anybody else have suggestions for either 1) nipples or 2) bottle systems?
They seems happy and they are peeing like crazy. Caro is having bowel movements, but Tommy's are not as often as we like, but when he gives them to us-he really gives them to us!!!
Thanks so much in advance!
Re: New preemie mom with some ?
Congrats on your LOs!
Honestly it sounds like they are doing great! I know feeding is a challenge, it will likely get better the closer you get to their due date. My nephew was born at 36 weeks exactly and he is 5 weeks now and much better at eating. I think as long as they are gaining and having enough wet diapers you are doing the right things.
We use Dr Browns so I'm not a lot of help there. You could try the preemie nipples, they have a slower flow.
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
Firstly congrats!!! Dont compare the two with bowel movements because babies are just like adults - we all have different "normals" when it comes to the bathroom! My DD only poos once a week!! and thats normal for her!
We also have always had issues with bottles/nipples dribbling etc. We tried almost every bottle nipple combo on the block. Medela, Playtex, Gerber, Dr. Browns, etc. If they sell it at the store we tried it. We had the best luck with Avent bottles. Dr. Brown makes preemie nipples that are softer but similar in flow to the level one nipples. Sounds to me like your DD might have a tone issue with her lips like mine. She dribbles like crazy, ok she gushes milk She sucks really well but doesnt create a seal around the nipple with her lips. Also she sticks her tounge out past her bottom lip a bit. Check and see if your LO is also doing this.
We thicken her BM with cereal because of reflux so we have no choice but to use Avent nipples made for thicker liquids and the flow is a little much for her but her milk wont flow through other nipples. We do Oral Motor Feeding Therapy once every other week to help her learn to seal her lips around the nipple but we were told by her therapist that mostly she needs to practice to acheive this. So the more she eats the better the dribble might get. So long as shes gaining enough weight I wouldnt worry too much, maybe just put a bit more in her bottle to compensate for the loss on her outfit. Gassy could be a million things, intolerance to the formula or getting too much air while eating - if I were you I would give her gas drops for now until you find your bottle/nipple combo and then figure out if the gas is from the formula or not. GL
My babies came home at 35.5 and 37.5 weeks and neither was eating more than 36cc's at the time. They were at least full term before they were eating 2oz a feeding. Even now at 8 months we're only at 4-5 oz a feed.
If you feel like they are being overwhelmed (dribbling and gulping) try the Dr. Browns Preemie nipples. My girls were on these until they were almost 3 months old.
And I know it's hard because you have the perfect way to do it, but try not to compare babies, every baby will be different. Just because she has a BM doesn't mean he has to. Just because she eats 2oz doesn't mean he has to.