Kansas Babies

XP: Daycare in Lawrence

Can anyone recommend a daycare provider in Lawrence. I hope to find someone for Friday all day. Is there a Parent's Day Out like program there (i.e. where I can enroll my 11 week old but use it only on occasion). I will be enrolling my son regularly in January when I go back to school but a) I need a one time provider for this week and in January he will not be old enough to enroll at Hillcrest, the campus daycare.

I also would like in home day care providers. I don't live in Lawrence so I cannot use a sitter or nanny.



Re: XP: Daycare in Lawrence

  • Just a note, if you want to get into Hillcrest I'm pretty sure they have a long waiting list and can't go until around 15 months I believe.  I believe usually Parent's day out things have an age limit of around 2 years. :(   Sorry, I don't know of any day care providers in Lawrence but have you checked Craig'slist?.
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  • Right, that is why I said that he would not be old enough for hill crest in January (for the Spring semester).

    And I do know of a PDO in the Northland that does infant care (it is at the Platte Woods UMC), you just need to register a few days before you drop them off. Unfortunately that is way too far out of the way, even though I live in KCMO, I want my son to be close.

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