My almost 3 week old goes through GMD prefolds like crazy - We wrap in newspaper fold and then cover with thirsties. As soon as she pees, we have to change because the whole prefold is soaking wet. Is this what's supposed to happen? Sorry for the stupid question, but with disposables, we can let her go a bit longer with just a wet diaper, so hacing to change as soon as she pees is getting a bit frustrating.
Re: GMD prefolds soak right through - am I doing this right?
You may need to get a different detergent for your CD's. If I remember correctly All free and clear isn't good for CD's. I use Rock n Green. I like it. However, I think you need to use a CD safe detergent and wash them a few more times. They don't sound absorbent enough. I washed my prefolds 6 times on hot and then dried them in the dryer after every wash.
Maybe I'm confused...But, if the problem were insufficient prepping, wouldn't the prefolds be repelling? From the OP, it sounds like the prefolds are absorbing, but they're getting saturated very quickly, resulting in having to change her DD's diaper very often. If that is the case, would more prepping really help?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question...
In any case, we started out with prefolds and thirsties duo covers with my DS. I have since switched to pockets, because I didn't like the idea of a wet prefold up against DS's skin. But, you can also line your prefolds with micro-fleece so that even a wet prefold feels dry against your DD's skin.
~Life After Infertility~
I think it depends on your baby, a bit. Our LO didn't mind being wet at all, so she would sometimes sit in a wet diaper (not for a very long time, tried to never do more than 2 hours, and only if it wasn't totally soaked. She usually didn't make it that long since she pooped A LOT and she got rashy if she sat in poop so we changed those right away). If you don't like the idea of her being in a wet diaper, you can buy microfleece and cut it into liners to help her feel a little more dry.
My 2 week old LO soaks through the GMD prefolds also. I am pretty sure I sufficiently prepped them as well. It is very frustrating, and I feel like a bad mom if I don't change his diaper right away. I thought breastfeeding every 2 hours was bad ... I could literally change his prefold every 30-60 minutes. So I guess this is normal that the prefolds get soaking wet? Again, I feel like a bad mom letting my son sit in a soaking wet diaper like that. I'm still using the orange, and wonder if its time for me to move to the yellow, and see if that helps? Thank goodness I have other diaper options, and will probably switch to those soon. It seems like so many people rave about the prefolds .... I'm just feeling a little disappointed!!
Thanks for posting this question because I too had the same concerns!
From what I can recall, it was very similar with my son. They're on a liquid diet, and a lot of liquid going in means a lot of liquid coming out
I don't really see the issue, though? I mean, it's not like they pee more when you put on a prefold. Either way, she's sitting in her own pee until you change her. I guess you just feel less guilty with disposables because it's not so obvious that you were letting her sit in her own pee?
Even now, I'll change my son as soon as he pees in a prefold -- he doesn't soak the whole thing, but if I know he's wet, why would I let him keep sitting in it? Yes, that sometimes means I'm changing him every 30 minutes or more, but it's not like I have to pay every time I change a prefold!
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
My LO was a heavy wetter AND could not stand a wet diaper. The minute he peed even a little bit he would start fussing, so we were changing A LOT of diapers the first few weeks.
I would 1) switch to yellow edge (if you're still using orange), 2) add a fleece liner next to her skin and then maybe a hemp doubler or tri-fold an orange edge inside of the yellow edge for extra absorbency. Hemp Babies makes a small trim hemp liner. I use the large ones as doubler over night and we've never had a leak despite how much he pees. GMD also makes their own prefold doublers. I haven't used them but they may be less bulky on a small baby than hemp or a nb PF.
I agree that it really comes down to how frequently they pee (and with newborns, it's pretty dang frequently) and whether or not you're willing to leave them wet. We generally change DS as soon as he's wet, and even now that means many mornings I'm changing him every 30 minutes (he pees a lot in the mornings). I'm pretty sure we changed him really frequently as a newborn, but frankly that part of my memory is all blurry :P
If you can't/don't want to change that frequently, I'd recommend getting a stay-dry liner of some sort. They're not perfect; they're not going to wipe all the pee off your LO for you, but they will provide somewhat of a barrier against the worst of the wetness. Any synthetic fleece will work - you can go to JoAnn's and pick some up, or if you have an old fleece lying around that you don't use you can cut that up. No need to hem, it shouldn't fray.