
Is it cheating?

To go get a private U/S at 16-17 weeks to find out the sex of this baby? We won't get ours at the doc until 20-21 weeks and I am dying ;) I managed to wait it out last time, but mostly because they didn't have one of these private places that would do the gender (or any u/s) before you had your 20 week one.

 BF and mom totally think we should do it..DH is getting warmer to the idea.

Re: Is it cheating?

  • I did with Joey -- 17 weeks I went.  And my doctor u/s was a week later.  I was THAT impatient!  :)

    And I have a video from it that I cry when I see.  I love that we did it!

  • I paid for a private 3d us with each of my girls because I had to know
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  • I have thought of doing it both times too.  Last time I ended up waiting it out.  This time, my doctor's office made me sign a paper stating that I know they strongly discourage it.  My u/s is not until 20 weeks and I am thinking we could go to one of those places at 15ish weeks.  I am dying to know.  LOL
  • I did it with both of my pregnancies.   My doc doesn't do the big u/s (I wonder if this is for political reasons) until viability (24 wks)

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  • Brewster those 3d us places (in my area atleast) require something from the dr
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  • I mangaged to wait until the 20 week u/s.  My reasoning was that if they couldn't tell then, I would have a second chance to go someplace else and try again.
  • Here come more of my irrational fears...I wouldn't because i would be too afraid that someone other than my doctor would find something wrong and not be able to tell me. 


  • Really?  Humm, didn't know that.
  • imagemlm1128:

    Here come more of my irrational fears...I wouldn't because i would be too afraid that someone other than my doctor would find something wrong and not be able to tell me. 



    I've actually considered this, but am trying to be positive. We had the NT scan and all seems good so far, so I am trying to think positive in general.


    My doc didn't say anything about strongly discouraging this and the place just says that this can't be a substitute for medical care. All they do is give you a 10 minute session to find the sex.  

  • I'm just curious...what do they charge for that??
  • I just checked.  It is $125.  The site says they do contact your OB to confirm you are under their care.
  • Oh, that's not bad at all.  i thought they would be around the same price as an entire suite of nursery furniture.
  • If you have the money then you should definitely do it!
  • At our place it is $75 for a 2D and $95 for a 3d/4d. They don't say anything about contacting your doc or needing a note, but on the appointment page it does ask for your doc's name and your last u/s date.
  • I paid for a private u/s with both pregnancies.  With Jack I was 17 weeks and we found out the gender.  With this pg, I was only 11 weeks but went with my family just for fun to see the baby.  (We didn't go to find the gender, obviously since it was so early, but the sonographer actually guessed the baby was a girl, which was confirmed at the 20 week u/s at doctor's office.) I had a great experience both times and think it was totally worth the money. 

    I think they ask for your dr's information in the event they find something wrong.  At the place I went a doctor reviews the u/s videos and I imagine contacts your ob if they find something unusual.

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