Cloth Diapering

Soaking through.. Help!

Okay so I bought some pocket diapers (alva baby) that only came with 1 microfibre insert. At first they were mostly good, rarely leaked. Then suddenly they were soaked through. Not leaking but soaked.

I figured my DDs were just heavy wetting and I needed more absorbancy. I bought and added a hemp insert to each diaper and they are still soaking through. The diapers are about 2 months old, my BGs and a few others are not leaking.

What should I do? Should I strip them? Buy more hemp inserts? Buy another type of insert (if so which type? Bamboo? Cotton?) Help!! I like these diapers and don't really want to not use them but I am sick of 2 babies soaking through them! 

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Re: Soaking through.. Help!

  • How often do you change diapers?

    I have alva baby as well, and have noticed recently that a lot of times the inserts are soaked( incl when I use hemp or a BG doubler), but since I haven't had leaking issues I don't worry about it. Just figure DS has times when he wets more then others.

    However this is the reason we no longer use these overnight. 

  • I would say we change every 2-4 hours. Yesterday both girls were wet through the very bottom of them on the seat of their onesie and pants, not like at the legs where it would have leaked out. Hmm.. Is it just that I'm not changing enough?
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  • Yeah I would increase the frequency of changes. I try and change every 2 hours, unless something happens. I notice if I do go closer to 3hours it is soaked.

    It sounds like they are just heavy wetters to me, and it's leaking out thru the top or back. The same thins has happened to DS when we left him in a dipe to long. 

    Hope that helps!

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