Elizabeth is on our short list for if we have more than one girl. Which nickname out of all choices you know of, do you prefer the most.
What about variation names as nicknames? Such as FN Elizabeth, nn Liesel or Lisabeth. Is that sort of thing too weird?
Also, which do you think works better: Elizabeth Josephine or Josephine Elizabeth, called Josie.
I know it's kind of a mouthful but it would be after my favorite book characters: Jo March from Little Women and Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.
ETA: edited for clarity. And I didn't list all the different nickname options because I'm afraid to leave one out and also curious as to what most people will say without a suggestion in front of them.
Re: Nickname for Elizabeth
I like Elizabeth Josephine better. As far as nicknames, Liesel is definitely NMS at all. Lisabeth is so long it doesn't really seem like a nm to me.
There are so many nm's for Elizabeth: Liz, Lizzy, Libby, Beth, Eliza, Ellie, etc.
Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12
Elizabby - I've heard this one before and assume it is a nn, but it could be a moshing of Elizabeth and Abigail, too, for all I know.
Lizzy or Elz would be where I would go otherwise. Never really took to Beth.
My fav nns for Elizabeth are: Libby, Betsey, Liza (in that order).
My least fav nns are: Betty, Beth, Bethie, Liz, Lizzy
Other nns that are ok: Bitsy, Ellie
If you did Elizabeth Josephine, I love EJ for a nn.
I've only known one Liesel and I loved it on a baby. I like Lisbet too.
I like Elizabeth Josephine.
You could call her Beth, which is one of the other sisters in Little Women (and if I remember correctly, she was Jo's "favored" sister).
I also like Libby or Betsy.
I think either combination is fine...it just depends on which NN you like better.
I know an Elizabeth that goes by "Lily-bet' and one that goes by "Lily" but since lily is so popular as a whole name I don't recommend it. You could also use Betty or Bet/Bette. I have also heard "Bethy" but that kind of drives me crazy and makes me think someone is mispronouncing "Bethany".
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Elizabeth is my name. My parents are pretty much the only people that call me that. Super close friends call me lizzie. My sisters calle me Liza Jane (no clue where jane came from- not my mn). Most everyone else calls me Liz.
A friend just had a baby & named her Elizabeth. They plan to call her Ellie. I think that's adorable.
I am an Elizabeth also and I did go by Libby as well but now I go by Lizz. We had too many Libby's in my last year of college so I changed it, but I love it shortened to Libby or Lizz...they are my favourite
I like Lisabeth too. very cute. My southern grandma's name is Elizabeth and everyone called her that but of course in the South, it sounded more like "lyss-beth"