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Let's see what drama this will stir up....


Re: Let's see what drama this will stir up....

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    Mr. Rein wants his son(s) circumcised, so they will be.
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    Lurking here tonight.

    I just have to say that I LOVE your SN SchruteBucks. Awesome. 

    Thanks!  You can't go wrong with Dwight Big Smile

    Beets, bears, Battlestar Galatica!

    Ok, now I've got my Dwight fix for the night. :) 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicTTC #1 since April '11.- BFP 7/3/11! - EDD 3/13/12 - Dean born 3/15/12! - Lovely Labor Buddies with PsychGirl33!! <3 </br> Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Nope.  DH (and I) will teach our son how to keep it clean, so I see no reason to.  If our son really wants it done, he can get it done himself--but you can't go the other way.
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    We haven't talked about this at all, actually. I'm really indifferent about it. It's not mandated by our religion, so I kind of feel like, "why bother?". 

    If DH feels strongly about it, then we'll do it, otherwise, nope. 

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    I will be doing it for religious reasons, however, even if religion didn't come in to play, I'd be doing for aesthetic reasons...I was totally grossed out by uncircumcised men growing up.

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    DH and I haven't talked about it. I am for it and pretty sure he will be too. He's just convinced that because he has 2 (possibly a 3rd) girls and was supposed to have another daughter (long story and not a natural cause) He can only have girls... I hope when/if we do get to that point, we have a boy just to prove him wrong. :-)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Started Dating 10-2-06 Married 02-04-10 Ceremony & Reception 10-2-10 TTC since September 2008 image Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    DS was supposed to be. Once he is repaired he will be.

    Any future sons will be as well. After weighing the pros/cons, it's the side of the fence we ended on.



    He has a hypospadias (pee hole in the wrong place) and some of that skin will be used to make that correction. Circumcision prior to that correction is not suggsted.


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    DS was supposed to be. Once he is repaired he will be.

    Any future sons will be as well. After weighing the pros/cons, it's the side of the fence we ended on.



    He has a hypospadias (pee hole in the wrong place) and some of that skin will be used to make that correction. Circumcision prior to that correction is not suggsted.


    One of my godchildren had that as well as 2fingers fused together. He went through surgery for both and now he's great! Everything in its place and working correctly.
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    This was a huge debate between my first husband and I (he was circumcised and didn't want any sons circumcised). I remember the debate being very hurtful at the time because he pointed out that I was 'no longer Jewish' so I shouldn't care. He added that the only way her would consider it is if I had it done ritually by a mohel (vs at the hospital). Second husband (also circumcised) let the choice up to me (so any sons will be circumciesed).

    Part of the issue with the first husband is that I am agnostic (my current husband identifies as very atheist), which is why he said I was 'no longer Jewish' but, in Judaism, 'Jewishness' is past down through the mother and having a Jewish identity extends past just religion faith. While I am not practicing, nor a believer, any children I have would be considered and identified as Jewish and I would introduce them to their culture and let them decided as they get older for themselves what they wish their personal faith to be. By choosing to not circumcise, I am choosing to close off that part of my son's identity from him.    


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    Both of my sons are and any future sons will be, too.  My husband and I both agreed on it so there was not much discussion about it.  To each their own!
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    We circumcised DS and we will not circ a 2nd boy. He was miserable after it was done and his little penis was so red and raw and it put a knife in my heart. I decided right then that I wouldn't do it again.
    Mrs. 5/03*DD 2/07*DS1 5/09*DS2 7/12
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    Thanks for your opinions ladies.  I love a good debate!  Good luck to all of you TTGP and, Ghost Monkey, good luck with your son's procedures.

    DD born 6.13.11 at 37w5d

    DS born 5.23.12 at 36w5d

    BFP 6.9.13|heartbeat of 128bpm 7weeks|7.23.13 ultrasound revealed no heartbeat|natural m/c and d&c 7.25.13

    DS born 5.20.14 at 38 weeks

    All are welcome


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    After the nasty cottage cheese looking stuff i cleaned off of a pt last night i am 100% for circumcision. i can not even guess the last time the foreskin was properly pulled back and his penis properly cleaned. and it was just his penis that was that dirty. the rest of his body was clean so i know he had been getting bathed. as a nurse i have seen that many many healthcare workers do not know how to properly clean an uncircumcised penis. I don't worry about my future son's ability to properly clean himself but on the unit i am on (trauma and burn) 95% of our patients can't clean themselves and that ability is sometimes lost forever. many of them can't even speak up about needing to pull the foreskin back. It is that very reason I want a future son circumcised. I have seen the infections get very bad.

    This will be a big deal if we have a boy. we have talked several time about it. DH is not circumcised and he feels that he has lost out on some sensations (or at least the intensity) because of it. He does not want to circumcise.

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    Mainly because I'm not a man. haha. I was raised Christian, so by faith I believe in circumcision. But I've never had a penis or experienced what it might be like to worry about what a woman will think about it, so I just figured my husband would be better equipped to make that decision. Luckly, he believes in circumcision as well, so theres never been much discussion about it. =)

    Just curious, but what does being Christian have to do with this? Most Christian denominations are indifferent to circumcision (due to the New Testament's views) but many still do it based on the Old Testament. 

    Little Slick
    Born 6.26.10
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    We would. DH is and I prefer it as a woman.
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    I'm for it.
    Me too, we circumcised Samson. And like others said, I don't really care what people think or if they judge us for doing it. It's the parents choice, have at it.
    Sweet Baby Samson born 11.16.10
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    After the nasty cottage cheese looking stuff i cleaned off of a pt last night i am 100% for circumcision. i can not even guess the last time the foreskin was properly pulled back and his penis properly cleaned. and it was just his penis that was that dirty. the rest of his body was clean so i know he had been getting bathed. as a nurse i have seen that many many healthcare workers do not know how to properly clean an uncircumcised penis. I don't worry about my future son's ability to properly clean himself but on the unit i am on (trauma and burn) 95% of our patients can't clean themselves and that ability is sometimes lost forever. many of them can't even speak up about needing to pull the foreskin back. It is that very reason I want a future son circumcised. I have seen the infections get very bad.

    This will be a big deal if we have a boy. we have talked several time about it. DH is not circumcised and he feels that he has lost out on some sensations (or at least the intensity) because of it. He does not want to circumcise.

    Isn't that a problem with the training and education these nurses receive?  It's really not hard to clean an intact penis.

    DD born 6.13.11 at 37w5d

    DS born 5.23.12 at 36w5d

    BFP 6.9.13|heartbeat of 128bpm 7weeks|7.23.13 ultrasound revealed no heartbeat|natural m/c and d&c 7.25.13

    DS born 5.20.14 at 38 weeks

    All are welcome


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    If we have a boy, we will keep him intact.

    There's no medical reason to circumcise. This is not just my opinion, this is the view of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Circumcision is falling in popularity, so I'm not worried about him "looking like the other boys in the locker-room", with the statistics already, there will be a roughly even split; I foresee that in the next 10 years or so that the circumcised boys will be the minority.

    Watching a video of the procedure just sealed the deal for me. (A medical video, from the hospital I work at.) 


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    We will not. 
    BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    First off, I believe that the reason that "only 60% of newborns are circumcised" is because most patients don't realize that most insurance doesn't cover it. OB's never tell them and they don't have the cash (between 200-400 bucks) to do it. Not to say that some people just don't want to do it, but that is def. a stumbling block for many.

    If circumcision was free and keeping the baby intact cost money, I'll still keep my choice to keep the baby intact. Money has nothing to do with it for me, I just don't want my future baby circumcised.

    I personally think circumcision rates are falling because many people are wanting to be more "natural" (breastfeeding, no circumcision, organic or homemade baby food, baby-wearing, etc). I know many well-off people who have not gotten their son(s) circumcised; money wasn't a factor.

    Maybe I just run with a crunchy/hippie crowd.


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    We will not circumcise our boys (if we have any). It's a permanent alteration driven by aesthetics. I won't go into my rant on it, but if the boys want to be circumcised later down the road, more power to them. I will not take away their choice.

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    I think the statistics may be saying circs are down but you have to account for regionality. I also know several people who had to be circ'd later in life for non infection/ hygiene related reasons. I had an ex who had to have it done in HS and had suffered in pain for years prior because he was too embarrassed to tell anyone. It traumatized him. I have never met anyone who was circ'd who was upset or regretted it, if I had I might feel differently but we choose to have it done.
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    This was a huge debate between my first husband and I (he was circumcised and didn't want any sons circumcised). I remember the debate being very hurtful at the time because he pointed out that I was 'no longer Jewish' so I shouldn't care. He added that the only way her would consider it is if I had it done ritually by a mohel (vs at the hospital). Second husband (also circumcised) let the choice up to me (so any sons will be circumciesed).

    Part of the issue with the first husband is that I am agnostic (my current husband identifies as very atheist), which is why he said I was 'no longer Jewish' but, in Judaism, 'Jewishness' is past down through the mother and having a Jewish identity extends past just religion faith. While I am not practicing, nor a believer, any children I have would be considered and identified as Jewish and I would introduce them to their culture and let them decided as they get older for themselves what they wish their personal faith to be. By choosing to not circumcise, I am choosing to close off that part of my son's identity from him.    


    Out of my own curiosity, I'm asking this question, so please feel free not to answer if it's too personal.  Are you going to have a mohel do the circumcision?

    I know many Jewish agnostics who have, and I also know many who haven't.  I was actually just at a bris an hour ago where they had a doctor who is also a mohel, so that's also an option.  Although... an uncircumcised Jew is still a Jew.

    OP, yes, we will.  We're Jewish so it will be done on day 8 by a mohel (possibly a mohel who is also a doctor if we can find one).  Most likely in our home. 

    ETA: Clarity. 

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    In my state circumcision rates are under 30%. A couple of my past sexual partners were uncut (you can't tell when they're erect and when they're not, who cares?) My SIL did not circumcise her son. Neither did my cousin. Years ago, my parents chose not to circumcise my brother. I am not aware of any of them having health issues or problems. In fact, I think many of the problems that some uncircumcised men experience are the result of forcible premature retraction of the foreskin by ignorant medical professionals and others. It can cause serious and lasting damage and make the foreskin far more susceptible to later infection.

    I would prefer not to circumcise a son. DH is circumcised, as is his son from his first marriage, so I imagine this is something we will have to figure out. But since we could be expected to keep a little girl's labia clean and infection free, I'm not sure why cleaning an intact penis would be beyond either of our abilities.

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    If we have a boy, we will keep him intact.

    There's no medical reason to circumcise. This is not just my opinion, this is the view of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Circumcision is falling in popularity, so I'm not worried about him "looking like the other boys in the locker-room", with the statistics already, there will be a roughly even split; I foresee that in the next 10 years or so that the circumcised boys will be the minority.

    Watching a video of the procedure just sealed the deal for me. (A medical video, from the hospital I work at.) 

    All of this.  DS is not circumcised.  It was watching the video of the procedure that did it for me, after watching it I knew there weren't any reasons good enough for me to do it.  I don't think we would have done it even if we were Jewish (and, I know some Jewish moms who did not circ their sons either).

    As far as cosmetics go, you can't really tell the difference when the penis is erect.  When it's not erect, is the penis really that attractive anyway, cut or not?

    It's an elective surgery, there is no medical reason for it, and I'm against elective surgery overall.  Especially when the person receiving the surgery isn't even the one who gets to make the choice.  If DS wants to be circ'd when he's older, then that's his choice.  

    One more thing--sex is supposed to be more enjoyable for uncirc'd men.  It also makes hand jobs much more enjoyable for everyone involved. 

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    Yes....I have seen far too many elderly men with some real issues down there

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    DH and I haven't talked about this, yet. However, I'm leaning toward circumcision because my father had to have it done as an adult and it was more traumatic for him.  DH is circumcised and to date hasn't expressed a strong opinion either way. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

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    I'm shocked how much mis information is out there... I don't mean to be mean but I completely agree with so many woman about not doing it...  There is NO medical research to suggest that an intact penis is any cleaner than a circ penis...and NOT a since Medical Association is for it, infact that advocate against it!  Which is whey many insurance companies do not pay for it!  And for what it's worth money was no issue for us and like another woman pointed out, even if I had to pay to keep my son intact I would without question.  My huband is circ and my son is not... my husband and I decided that if my son ever asked why his penis looked different we would simply explain that when daddy was born they didn't realize that there was no reason to remove a perfectly healthy peice of skin off the penis, and mommy and daddy decided to leave his penis alone.  Also if my son ever comes home from school complaining of kids picking on him, I will recommend that he ask those crewl boys why they are looking at his penis and clearly that maybe they have some issues to work out. Also many people are not edcuated on what the foreskin does, it is ADHERED to the head of the penis like a FINGER NAIL is to your finger, and your not suppose to forcefully retract it or you will have issues with it later in life, it's all about education!!! I'm not tryint to be confrontational, but I feel like we are past a time when we need to worry about the vanity of what his penis looks like.  ANd beyond that, REALLY people think any soft penis is cute... ugh not me!  But I wouldn't care either way if my husband was or wasn't, I love him for him, not his circ or uncirc penis.  There is so much good research, and for me it really boils down to HIS PENIS HIS CHOICE!  If my son decides that he wants it one day, thats fine.  You can't put it back on.   Lastly just to point out a simple point, would any of you pro circ woman circumsize your daughters?  If not why?  The tissue is histologically the same on a male and female and is techincally the most sensative tissue that there is.  

    YES I am VERY passionate about this topic and I know it does cause a lot of drama... but at the end of the day, I really want whats best for the children.  I have a lot of strong views and I feel passionately about a lot of things.  But I still try not to judge others decisions, so if you are pro circ and you have done your research and watched it done... well more power to you then.  

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    Sorry for all the typos and mis wording... I'm on my phone with a baby under one arm... I'm sure you get my drift anyways...
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    I don't think we will. My MIL is from England, so DH and BIL aren't. I always would have said yes to it until I met DH and realized the sensitivity differences, etc. Now, I see it as unnecessary and wouldn't do it to my future DS
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    My oldest is circ'ed. Like many of you, I never really considered the issue before my pregnancy and figured DH was the better authority on the subject. He wanted his son to look like him, so that's what we did. I regretted it immediately.

    The AAP no longer recommends circumcision. There are no health benefits that can't be obtained through proper hygiene, but there are REAL risks to the procedure. Anesthesia can have complications. Infections can result. Boys have died as a result of botched circumcisions. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a son because I elected to have an unnecessary cosmetic procedure done on him.

    And FYI, medicalized circumcision originated in this country as a means to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease. This is because circ'ing desensitizes the penis and makes masturbation (and eventually, sex) less pleasurable. 

    I would NEVER do it again. 



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    Out of my own curiosity, I'm asking this question, so please feel free not to answer if it's too personal.  Are you going to have a mohel do the circumcision?

    I know many Jewish agnostics who have, and I also know many who haven't.  I was actually just at a bris an hour ago where they had a doctor who is also a mohel, so that's also an option.  Although... an uncircumcised Jew is still a Jew.

    OP, yes, we will.  We're Jewish so it will be done on day 8 by a mohel (possibly a mohel who is also a doctor if we can find one).  Most likely in our home. 

    ETA: Clarity. 

    No problem (was out of town so sorry for the late replay). At this time I am unsure; I am not tapped into the community and so would probably discuss/ look into this more which I actually a) have a baby on the way and b) it's a boy :D I think my current husband would strongly prefer it to be done in a medical setting and since there won't be a bris. As for an uncircumcised Jew still being a Jew; this sort of speaks to a larger issue I have which really is sort of beyond the scope of here but the short version, I guess, would be that I would never want myself or him, for that matter, to feel like his roots were being hidden from him; the cost to my ancestral family to get me where I am today was just too high. 

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    It's pretty simple for us. I asked my husband if he's glad that he was circumsized and he said "ABSOLUTELY".  So we're going to do it for any sons we may have.
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