Now that we're getting closer, I am changing my mind about the "just pick one" mindset I originally had. The biggest reason is I want to know their standpoint on vaccines and if they follow the CDC schedule or spread them out a bit. I'm all for the required vaccines (we'll probably skip rotavirus since it's not required for school entry), but I'm quite hesitant at the numbers of shots given at one time, mainly after my sister had a horrible reaction to one and my stepmom (now in nursing school) still to this day regrets allowing so many shots at one time; they have no idea which one caused the reaction.
Is this something that should be asked just over the phone or a meet and greet type thing?
ETA: For those in CLT, any insight for University Peds is appreciated. The link is broken on their website and of course it's the weekend, so I can't call!
Re: Pedis and vaccine schedule (Univ Peds-CLT especially)
One of my SILs is very adament about doing a different vaccine schedule as well and this is what she's done with her pedi as well. Just created a written schedule of how she wanted to spread them out and they added to the kids' files and followed that and hasn't been a big issue. I would still check, because again, not sure if it's individual practice policy, or a rule overall.
Life at Chunky Gal