
How do you go against the grain?

Maybe my child is just older?  Or things are just different in this part of the US?  But I can't see how some parents limit their kids to organic lollipops or no lollipops.   DD gets a lollipop (non-organic) after every dance class.  If I told her no she couldn't have it, she'd surely feel left out.  How do you say "no sweets at daycare" or no this or that without your child feeling left out or are they just oblivous?

Lollipops are just the subject below its nothing against the OP.  Really this question is general....

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Re: How do you go against the grain?

  • I never understood the whole "no sweets ever" rule.  They act like its poison.  And I never understood the whole "organic only" thing either.  I mean I know organic is good but non organic is fine too!
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • Everything in moderation...

    A story - a friend of mine doesn't let her DD have pretty much anything candy/juice/sugar related.  She eats only organic food.  We were at a 4th of July party and all of the kids had flag lollis.  She would not let her DD, who is 3, have one.  All of the other kids were licking them and what not and her DD was sitting there with the saddest look on her face.  A few times when my friend wasn't looking I saw her DD sneak licks of her friends.  I felt so bad.  So I know what you are saying and I think its CRAZY to do that.

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  • imageHisBetterHalf:

    Everything in moderation...

    A story - a friend of mine doesn't let her DD have pretty much anything candy/juice/sugar related.  She eats only organic food.  We were at a 4th of July party and all of the kids had flag lollis.  She would not let her DD, who is 3, have one.  All of the other kids were licking them and what not and her DD was sitting there with the saddest look on her face.  A few times when my friend wasn't looking I saw her DD sneak licks of her friends.  I felt so bad.  So I know what you are saying and I think its CRAZY to do that.

    Aw. That makes me sad : (

  • Oh, please don't misunderstand...she gets no lollipops because they scare me.  She is definitely not deprived of sweets.  i make her brownies and cookies all the time, and she is definitely no stranger to peanut butter cups and milky way bars. 

    And if every other kid has a lollipop, I will let her.  I just hover.

  • Easy, DS does not go to Daycare or preschool yet. ?After any of his classes right now (Gymboree or Tumble Tots) they get stamps and not candy. ?Whenever they have offered him one at the Drs office I turn it down since they always ask me first and DS has no idea what they are yet there is no issue. ?It is not like he does not get sweets and stuff yet, he gets cookies, some candies etc here at home. ?I just have not introed him to lollipops yet.
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  • When DD was younger, it was easy to say no lollipops because she didn't know what they were and could be easily distracted.  Now we just don't buy them, so it's not an issue.  At daycare DD gets whatever the other kids are having for snacks because it's not fair to her imo to do otherwise.  I think it depends a lot on the ages.  As soon as DC is old enough to really know the difference, it's much harder to go against the grain.

    Oh, and who knew they made organic lollipops?  Seriously, if you're giving your kid sugar anyway, who cares if it's organic sugar.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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  • The post really isn't about lollipops.  Its in general, how do you limit your kids to sweets, no this no that when other kids have them?

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  • When we are at home and I am feeding her, Kate eats all organic, no juice, very healthy, etc (so do DH and I).  But if we are out/at an event, I let her eat what she wants.  She gets juice at parties, cookies at playgroup, nonorganic whatever she wants to eat at restaurants, etc.  I figure I balance it out by feeding her healthy *most* of the time, so I don't worry about the rest of the time. 

    I would definitely let her have lollipops, McD's, etc. if other kids were getting it. 

  • they make organic lollipops???

    N gets a lollipop every day at daycare if he's good.  He would be devestated ('s a big thing in his little world!) if he didn't get it. 

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • imageshopgirl78:

    The post really isn't about lollipops.  Its in general, how do you limit your kids to sweets, no this no that when other kids have them?


    Did anyone say that in the post below? I don't give my child candy - but she does get treats. If everyone else was eating candy, she'd get a bite, but it's not something we eat ourselves, so she's not aware of its existence yet. And I'm not in any hurry to give it to her.  She does love gingerbread men from a local bakery with the frosting on them, and ice cream, so it's not like I deprive her. 

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