OK, so we are not really TTCing yet, but we are also not really preventing it, which BTW is how we got pg with DS. ?So both DH and I want a large family and really want another one soon. ?Well yesterday we just set up a vacation to WDW with my parents and my old room mate from when I worked at WDW and her DH. ?I am so looking forward to this since I am such a Disney FREAK and I can not wait to see one of my BFFs since we very rarely see each other. ?So this trip is not until mid Sept 2009! ?So if I did get pg this month (which I do have a good chance according to my chart) I would be due July 6th. ?So we would have a newborn with us, but at least I would not be PG. ?But any ?month past this month and we will be getting a due date that is close to our trip. ?Or if we wait a few months to start TTC then I will be pg on our trip and not really able to do a lot of the fun things!
So I went to talk to DH about it last night and told him what I was thinking and basically explained everything that I just said above. ?So I asked him what he thought about me going on some sort of BC (nuva ring or pill) until after our vacation. ?He got all huffy with me and told me that he thought that was a little too drastic and that he did not think we needed to take it that far. ?Then he told me that it is my body and I could do whatever I wanted to with it. ?UGH. ? So I just do not know what to think. ?What does everyone else think? ?Would you wait to TTC until after our trip? ?I really want to be able to enjoy myself, but I also don't know if I want to put our life on hold for another year you know?
Thanks for reading this far if you made it! ?And thanks for any advice you may have!
Re: Planning TTC around a vacation?