narrowing down our names list a bit current top runners are
Zoey Virginia
Phillipa Ruby
Seamus Kevin
Ruari Kevin
We live in Wales ,and my husband is from here with scottish irish heritage. Want a name that reflects that and also can 'translate' to the US if we chose to return !!
im sure we will change our ideas again !!
Re: narrowing down names
I like Zoe and Philippa. (Note I prefer Zoe sans y and the British spelling of Philippa.)
Seamus is a very classic name. How do you pronounce Ruari? (By the way, Behind the Name lists both the Irish and Scottish spellings as Ruairi.)
i love love love seamus!!!!
not a huge fan of any of the others
I like Phillipa and Seamus best. I love your middle name choices!
I must admit, Ruari looks interesting, but my California-raised self isn't sure how to pronounce it (not that that would matter where you live). Is it like Rory?
I like Zoe without the y, Philipa is getting very popular very quickly. I had a friend whose dog's name was Seamus so it is hard for me to like that one as a first name. What about Ruiari Seamus?
I really love Phillipa.
Seamus is ok--it's not my favorite name in the world, but it's fine.
I don't like Zoey or Ruari. And Zoey with a "y" looks stupid.
The MNs are all great. I'd consider them as FNs.
I like all of them, but Ruari is probably the one that will be the toughest transition should you return to the states. Also, I just really love Seamus, so that's not helping Ruari's cause.
I actually like your girl middle names more than the first names, but I'd choose Zoey Virginia.
Me too.