I have used it with both the disposable (flushable) inserts and my own cloth inserts (microfibre, hemp and unbleached cotton) I like them but if you are going to go cloth I would look into other options. I really love my BGs
I use them because they're the only diapers that don't irritate my daughters skin. I would much rather use my pockets anyday! I would also look at other diapers.
They're okay with the gcloth. I love the look and the fit, but they have more parts than similar systems such as grovia and flip. Check out grovia, they are really nice! I hated the flip system.
We use them and like them. I also use GroVia (the cloth inserts not disposable), Bright Star Baby and Fuzzibunz. I like the gDiapers but not everyone does. I would tryout a bunch of different options and see what you like before committing to a lot of one kind.
Re: gdiapers
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