May 2011 Moms

Does your baby belly laugh? :)

My DS giggles and shrieks, especially when we tickle him but I'm still waiting for that big belly laugh. I can't wait! Any of your baby's doing it? Isn't is just the sweetest thing? When was the first time they gave you a big one?

Re: Does your baby belly laugh? :)

  • Not yet. I can't wait though. Big Smile
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  • She does every once in awhile. It's rare but I LOVE it. I try so hard to get more out of her.

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    She does every once in awhile. It's rare but I LOVE it. I try so hard to get more out of her.

    Pretty much.  It happens once or twice a week, and its usually me doing something exhausting.  I can't wait until its an everyday thing.  

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  • DD belly laughs but only at our dog. I feel bad for her (the dog) sometimes because we'll tease her with food (so she jumps up) just to get DD to laugh. it's just about the best thing ever though :)
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  • Yes he just started doing it all the time now! I love it! Big Smile I have a very happy baby!!!

    I am going to try to get a video link on here but we shall see if it will work. I have it on Facebook but I need to figure out how to get it off there and onto another format.

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  • Elijah finds the entire world hilarious. He is so funny. Noah will only give us a chuckle. He doesn't even really squeal.

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  • Jonah gives pretty good belly laughs pretty often. I'd say once every couple of days, anyway. He's only recently learned that he's capable of a squeal, though, so that's his new favorite thing to do.
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  • Charles most frequently belly laughs over any laugh!  Every day, I tickle him just to hear it.  I tell him he has to do it "every day for the rest of my life."  I'm not sure if it will be the same when he's 16 though... lol

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  • imageLovelyLou23:
    DD belly laughs but only at our dog. I feel bad for her (the dog) sometimes because we'll tease her with food (so she jumps up) just to get DD to laugh. it's just about the best thing ever though :)

    DS is all about the dog! I can get him to belly laugh occasionally with tickling, but the dog is a guaranteed laugh, every time. Even if she's just lying there asleep. Just the sight of her sets him off. He follows her with his eyes around the room. I would bet money that his first word will be "dog". 

  • He giggles and shrieks too, and once in a great while will chuckle, but no belly laugh yet. I can't wait!
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  • Yes! It's my favorite thing :) She started right around four months and we usually get a good laugh every day. She's a happy girl :)
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  • We definitely get belly laughs from Carter.  He loves to laugh and giggle and I think we got his first belly laugh around 6 months or so.  Here is a little video of him laughing at a little toy he really likes.

  • usually we get a few a day. she loves to squeal now! and she is talking up a storm. I love it. 


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