If your kids share a room how do you deal with naps and bedtime???
It seriously takes them a minimum of an hour to fall asleep. At nap time this just doesn't work cause they are then going down so late and waking up right before dinner and then of course not tired for bed. I try threatening to take away their stuffed animals and books in their bed if they aren't quiet. I tried a rewards chart with my 3 year old which worked awesome...for about 2 weeks. Now nothing seems to work. They are up there talking and giggling and screaming and it has already been an hour! At night they end up falling asleep like 10 oclock lately! That is 2 HOURS to fall asleep!
Re: shared rooms and nap/bedtime....HELP
we could... but she wets her bed now and then during a good nap. I don't have a plastic cover on my bed just in case. I also picture her in my closet trying on my heels
we could... but she wets her bed now and then during a good nap. I don't have a plastic cover on my bed just in case. I also picture her in my closet trying on my heels
Yeah, I think the only option is to either let one sleep in your room or give up on naps for the oldest. Sorry!
You could put a sleeping bag down for her on your floor or buy a waterproof pad to lay on your mattress while she's sleeping. My (almost) 3 year old usually naps on our couch but she's a really good sleeper and will sleep anywhere if she's tired enough.