
Katie4253's poopy baby has me worried...

My DD only poops once a week and I used to be freaked out by it (when we were in the NICU it was like 4 times a day) but ALL her doctors have reassured me more than once that exclusively breastfed babies are perfectly normal to poop once every 7-10 days.  In our house Monday is poop day because she poops every monday.  Katie posted on our month board and all those babies poop way more than once a week - anyone here have a non-poopy baby??? I feel like I shouldnt worry when all her doctors dont worry but its weird that I'm the only one I know with a kid that doesnt poop
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Re: Katie4253's poopy baby has me worried...

  • H doesn't poop much.  He's getting fortified BM only.

    JS poops almost daily.  He's getting 1/2 BM, 1/2 formula.


    If she doesn't seem like she's in pain, there's no blood in the poop, etc., I'm sure she's fine Smile 

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  • when ds was discharged, and a few months after he hardly went. He would go every 4-5 days, this went on until he started cereal, and then he started more when he started solids..and now...i wish for those days! haha, he goes at least twice a day now. 
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  • We just had poop number FIVE of the DAY.

    I envy you people, because, yes it's normal to not poop for days!!!! Be thankful.


  • We just switched to all Alimentum and no breast milk a week ago...since then she has pooped about 3-4 times.

    Before that, she only pooped once a week- MAYBE twice, if it was a good week. She got fortified BM only until a week ago. The doctor assured me it was fine because she wasn't in pain and they were normal, etc.

    I wouldn't worry. They said that BM is absorbed in their digestive systems better and there is less waste.

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  • imageurbanflowerpot:

    ...make that SIX.

    We are EBF btw.

    Apparently T is pooping for all the other babies too :)

    We are EBF and one meal of solids a day (she actually eats about 2 tablespoons at best). She poops daily now that we introduced solids but until then, it wasn't uncommon for her to go as long as a week. She was usually an every 3 days kind of girl. Our pedi said "not all adults go every day so why worry?" As long as she isn't uncomfortable and they are soft when she does go, I think she's ok. 


    Crazy the stuff we worry about right? 

  • It is crazy what we worry about - I feel like her poop has been the main topic of most of my conversations for the last 6 months! lol  - she isnt uncomfortable until the day before she goes and thats when she grunts and pushes and has major gas.  Once I start to introduce formula I think she will probably start to poop more.  And once we start solids Im going to be missing these poopless days big time!
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  • imageadrielegorburu:
    It is crazy what we worry about - I feel like her poop has been the main topic of most of my conversations for the last 6 months! lol  - she isnt uncomfortable until the day before she goes and thats when she grunts and pushes and has major gas.  Once I start to introduce formula I think she will probably start to poop more.  And once we start solids Im going to be missing these poopless days big time!

    H is very gassy and grunts a lot, too.  I always know when he's working on a poop diaper.

    Just be warned - formula poop is WAY more gross than BM poop.  And JS is just on half and half. 

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  • FWIW, I think he is abnormal. LOL! He gets mostly breast milk and still is a major pooper.  I thought it would have slowed down by now.  But, it hasn't.

    He almost always poops after his vitamins.  They really don't agree with his belly and it causes him to have major poop after he has them (like within 30 mins).  Also, he gets 2 formula bottles a day.  He generally poops shortly after one of those.  The days he's gotten just breast milk he poops less.  


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  • imagekck329:

    ...make that SIX.

    We are EBF btw.

    Apparently T is pooping for all the other babies too :)

    We are EBF and one meal of solids a day (she actually eats about 2 tablespoons at best). She poops daily now that we introduced solids but until then, it wasn't uncommon for her to go as long as a week. She was usually an every 3 days kind of girl. Our pedi said "not all adults go every day so why worry?" As long as she isn't uncomfortable and they are soft when she does go, I think she's ok. 


    Crazy the stuff we worry about right? 

    After reading this thread I am convinced that's where all the poo is! We rounded off the night with nine. This was more than most days but only by around three I think. Blarg.

  • As PP said, it's definitely normal for ebf babies since there's less waste.

    However, if she's predictable, you should try sitting her on the potty.  We started at 6m actual and I've only had to clean up a handful of poop diapers in the last year.  It's amazing!  Look up elimination communication for more info if you're interested.  :)

    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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