
Switching formula?

The girls are 7 months... and I no joke just now realized Costco has its own brand of formula. WTF?! 


They are on Similac sensitive since acting gassy when I switched them off breast milk at 5 weeks. Anyone switched formula's this late in the game? I could use the $12 a can savings!!! 

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Re: Switching formula?

  • We just switched from Similac Advance to Sams Club brand a couple weeks ago!  I just mixed their bottles half and half for a couple days to transition them.  They seem to be doing well on it!  It costs us $17 for a 48 oz can and Similac was $22 for a large container!  Two of those will fit in the Sams can!  Hells yea!


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  • one of my girls is still on similac sensitive for her tummy issues and reflux and the other is on costco brand. i was told you can mix formulas to transition but we did it cold turkey and they did great. 
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  • I took the girls off of NeoSure shortly after 6 months when I started to drop nursing sessions and they were getting mostly formula.  I moved to Target's brand without any problems.
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