
Homework in Pre-K?

Ds just moved to the pre-k class at his daycare a month ago. When i got home, there was a packet in his bag explaining that every Friday they'll get a homework packet that needs to be completed and turned in the following Wednesday. Its nothing hard, just sheets to practice letters, numbers, and then flashcards with 'words of the week'. We're supposed to read the words to him, use them in a sentence, and then have it try to sound out the word.

Is this over the top? I mean, its not nightly, we have almost a week (including a weekend) to complete it. But they encourage that we do it nightly.  It just seems like a lot for pre-k. This is a regular daycare, nothing private or anything.

Re: Homework in Pre-K?

  • My son is in Jr. K also and we get a homework packet every week, similar to yours. 
  • DD has a homework calender.  She has assignments (writing letters, cutting out pictures, etc) M-Th.  Friday she turns in her notebook. 
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  • Last year in Pre-K DS1 got 2 or 3 sheets per week. It's public Pre-K at an elementary school, though. Had he stayed in Pre-K at his daycare he would not have gotten any. It liked it, it helped him get used to sitting and focusing on an assignment.
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  • Sounds silly, IMO. I think it's over the top. FWIW, I'm pretty anti-homework for elementary aged kids in general and your kid isn't even in elementary yet.


  • I used to get this for DS and I thought it was ok.  Now I think it's over the top.  DD get's home links now.  They're little projects we can do that reinforce what she learned in school, but aren't work sheets.  Although she loves to sit down and do worksheets with her brother, I don't think they're really necessary right now.  As long as we're counting with her and finding opportunities to sound out letters and build words, I think we're doing just fine.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • DD1 was in 4K last year, and her only "homework" was to have us read to her every day. She's in 5K this year, and she hasn't had any homework yet. We are supposed to still be reading to her every day, but there's nothing for her to actively do.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I think pre-K is too early to start with the worksheets and especially the flashcards. And over the weekend, too - lovely. Sorry, but I'm against this.
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  • My daughter is in preK and they made it very clear there will not be homework in this program. I wouldn't have chosen a school that did have homework at this age since I don't think it's age appropriate at all. I think a little homework in first grade is the earliest it's a useful way to supplement the classroom, and even then it shouldn't be much, just a few minutes a night.
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  • Well, i just talked to my friend (her son is bff's with ds). She told me that when she picked her ds up today, the teacher told her that this is the first year they're doing it. And they're only doing it because numerous parents have asked for it. WTF? They're 4, AND its a daycare.

    The teacher said they're not sure its permanent, or what it will entail each week since they've never done it before. Apparently they'll be looking for parent feedback.

  • How old is your child? I don't think it's over the top at all if your child is going to start kindergarten next year.    

    My DD1 is in PreK and has homework one day a week. It's a simple worksheet where she practices writing the letter of the week - upper and lower case and then writes 4-6 words that start with that letter. There's also a place for her to draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. It takes about a half an hour.

    I have NO problem with it whatsoever. I'm obviously in the minority, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with a 4 or 5 year old doing a half an hour of homework per week. My DD actually enjoys it and her teacher has said that the kids have fun with the homework because they have a friendly competition with the afternoon class to see who can come up with the most words. Her preschool class meets 3 days per week for 2.5 hours each time so it's not like she doesn't have enough time for free play. 

  • imagepassar3588:

    How old is your child? I don't think it's over the top at all if your child is going to start kindergarten next year.    

    My DD1 is in PreK and has homework one day a week. It's a simple worksheet where she practices writing the letter of the week - upper and lower case and then writes 4-6 words that start with that letter. There's also a place for her to draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. It takes about a half an hour.

    I have NO problem with it whatsoever. I'm obviously in the minority, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with a 4 or 5 year old doing a half an hour of homework per week. My DD actually enjoys it and her teacher has said that the kids have fun with the homework because they have a friendly competition with the afternoon class to see who can come up with the most words. Her preschool class meets 3 days per week for 2.5 hours each time so it's not like she doesn't have enough time for free play. 

    He's 4. Its EVERY letter, EVERY number 0-9,  his full name, and a descriptive word to write. And then its 20 flashcards with the 'words of the week' to learn, use in a sentence, and try to recognize. And i think based on the explanation the words will increase each week. As in the first 20 are the base words, and they add more every week. But you're supposed to review all words each week. So 20 the first week, maybe 30 the second, 40 the third, or however many they add each week. He's in full day daycare. So when I get home at 5, after a day of work, i wasn't expecting homework from daycare.

  • I would not be happy about that at all, especially with full-time daycare.  So many kids in daycare (mine included!) already have so little free time during the week. They certainly don't need to spend it doing homework.  There is plenty of time to work that stuff into their school day.  
  • My DD is in second year preschool, and her teacher has advised that she'll have some very simple homework after the new year starts.  Her reasoning is that usually there is some homework starting in elementary school so she likes them to just get the idea of doing it.  I'm not opposed.
  • imagegrja:

    How old is your child? I don't think it's over the top at all if your child is going to start kindergarten next year.    

    My DD1 is in PreK and has homework one day a week. It's a simple worksheet where she practices writing the letter of the week - upper and lower case and then writes 4-6 words that start with that letter. There's also a place for her to draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. It takes about a half an hour.

    I have NO problem with it whatsoever. I'm obviously in the minority, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with a 4 or 5 year old doing a half an hour of homework per week. My DD actually enjoys it and her teacher has said that the kids have fun with the homework because they have a friendly competition with the afternoon class to see who can come up with the most words. Her preschool class meets 3 days per week for 2.5 hours each time so it's not like she doesn't have enough time for free play. 

    He's 4. Its EVERY letter, EVERY number 0-9,  his full name, and a descriptive word to write. And then its 20 flashcards with the 'words of the week' to learn, use in a sentence, and try to recognize. And i think based on the explanation the words will increase each week. As in the first 20 are the base words, and they add more every week. But you're supposed to review all words each week. So 20 the first week, maybe 30 the second, 40 the third, or however many they add each week. He's in full day daycare. So when I get home at 5, after a day of work, i wasn't expecting homework from daycare.

    Ok, that seems excessive and unnecessary. Although, I'm not familiar with PreK in a daycare setting so I have no idea what the norm is.
  • imagebrightning:
    I think pre-K is too early to start with the worksheets and especially the flashcards. And over the weekend, too - lovely. Sorry, but I'm against this.

     Totally agree.  (and I'm a teacher)

  • imagegrja:

    He's 4. Its EVERY letter, EVERY number 0-9,  his full name, and a descriptive word to write. And then its 20 flashcards with the 'words of the week' to learn, use in a sentence, and try to recognize. And i think based on the explanation the words will increase each week. As in the first 20 are the base words, and they add more every week. But you're supposed to review all words each week. So 20 the first week, maybe 30 the second, 40 the third, or however many they add each week. He's in full day daycare. So when I get home at 5, after a day of work, i wasn't expecting homework from daycare.

    Yeah, this seems pretty excessive.  Ian is in 4K and has a homework assignment every Thursday due the following Monday.  Last week we had to bring in a picture of a bat and talk about one bat fact.  Ian picked a vampire bat photo and told the class that they drink blood.  Pretty minor and actually he likes doing the homework since it's more fun stuff like that. 

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  • My son is in 4's preschool MWF extended mornings.  No homework, except for show and tell each friday, which so far has been something starting with the letter of the week.  My son doesn't know his letters, not many of them anyhow, so I have been doing a little reinforcement at home by have that letter showcased on the fridge, doing some coloring pages, and just talking about that letter more.  What you are describing is WAY too much.  I'm all for encouraging education and all, but when a 4yo is in preschool/daycare all day every day, they need a break when home.  Not to mention the amount of time all of that would take.  I would definitely voice an opinion. 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • My DD is in PreK and they do not beleive in homework at that age and I have to agree.  The program is a full day, full time 5 day a week program that includes a great mix of play time, group acitivites and more structured learning time.  It sounds more like stuff that I hear from parents of kindergarteners coming home with.  My preschooler (3 year old class) will sometimes bring home a tracing sheet but its nothing that has to be done and she often works on it at school in the morning while the other kids are coming and the class is basically just open free time.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Well I talked to the teachers today at pickup, and they said that they did it because a few parents had been asking since they had older siblings and were getting homework. They wanted to get the younger kinds engaged.

    She said its optional, and if we don't do it all the time its not like ds will fall behind on anything. And that its also geared to help out the kids that might need more help. But that DS was doing fine and probably didn't need to do it.

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